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The Hunt Ends (Markson Regency Mystery Book 6) Page 4
The Hunt Ends (Markson Regency Mystery Book 6) Read online
Page 4
“Of that I can understand. On my way to see you I met with your mother and she said you may start taking your meals with us in the dining room.”
“Yes, she told me the same, but that I have to take everything slowly. Now, if you’ll excuse me, dear husband, as there are several hours before luncheon and I’d like to nap.”
“Of course, my love.”
“With either Amanda, mother’s maid and even Jolene in the room with me all the time. Now, off you go, for being a new parent isn’t something learned on the knee of your mother.”
“No, that’s not and the same goes for being a father. As you might have learned on several occasions I snuck up to the nursery and gazed upon our daughter. I wish for her to know me. Not the stranger my parents were to me. Once a week I used to be dressed in my finest attire and presented to them where I was questioned about my lessons. If father didn’t like my answers I would be beaten with a switch. What made the punishment even worse, I had to select the stick.”
On hearing this, Kristina tried her best to show Robert that she was the strong lady that he’d always known. However, tears started to roll down her cheeks. Accepting a handkerchief from him she wiped them away.
“Then, my husband, that will never happen. We will make our daughter a part of our everyday life.”
Accepting a gentle squeeze of her hand Kristina watched him depart, replaced by Amanda.
“Let’s get you settled. As I understand you will be trying to have luncheon in the dining room. Since you’ve had no fever I think a bath would be in order before dressing. I’ll arrange for the water for noon. Which dress would you like?”
“How about either the pink or green one. With them the bodice shouldn’t be too uncomfortable for me. A simple chignon for the hair.”
“Very good, m’ lady. I’ll be sitting with you.”
With a smile Kristina snuggled down, rolled onto her side and easily drifted off to sleep.
The gentle brush of something across her cheek slowly brought Kristina awake. Rolling her head in the direction, she opened her eyes and was greeted by her husband.
“Oh how I have missed being awoken that way, my love,” Kristina whispered, not even caring if staff were in the room.
“I agree. Luncheon will be ready in an hour and Amanda has already sent for your bath water,” her husband said softly.
Gracing him with a sweet smile she reached up, settled a hand on his nape, drawing his lips down to hers. When she heard a pleasurable moan she teased his mouth open then slipped her tongue in tasting of the last vestiges of coffee. She wished they could stay like this, even though him leaning over might become uncomfortable so she took her hand away.
“Robert, as I promised everyone I’d make an appearance at the table, you’d best let me wash then dress. Also, please pass the word for everyone not to make a fuss with me joining them.” she requested.
“I will, but I can’t promise, the duke, duchess and your mother won’t.”
She was glad at least her father wasn’t here for Kristina suspected he’d be absolutely impossible, as he could be very overbearing.
Gently, she set her hand on his chest and pushed him back. Once free she tossed the covers off then climbed from the bed. Still a little weak from having to spend so much time abed she steadied herself on the bedstead. Once Robert had left she nodded to Amanda, who until now had remained near the fire cove.
“If you’ll assist me, I would greatly appreciate the help.”
“Certainly, m’ lady. I’ve also had the wrinkles taken out of both dresses. And since this is somewhat of a special occasion I thought a simple flower or two in the chignon.”
“Yes, I do like that.”
Bathed and in the green gown, Kristina waited while Amanda put the finishing touches to her hair. She’d chosen not to wear any jewelry on the off chance baby Jolene would need feeding. Kristina had quickly learned the little girl, even only a week old, would and could reach for anything within arm’s reach.
“There, m’ lady. Now don’t you look perfect for your first official appearance since Miss Markson was born,” Amanda declared.
“Yes and I do love the daisies. Let me collect my shawl then I must not be late. Are you’re aware which room everyone will be meeting in?”
“As you’ve been here everyone felt it best not to use your parlor so they have gathered in the family sitting room or His Lordship’s office.”
Kristina stood then accepted the wrap and, with Amanda at her side, for her safety, made for the first floor. As the family parlor was part way between Robert’s office and her sitting room Kristina suspected if her husband and the others weren’t in the first two then the viscountess parlor would be where they were. Fortunately, she heard talking emanating from the office. Kristina walked in to be met by everyone.
“Come, let’s get you seated, my dear,” Robert suggested.
When comfortable on the settee and the others seated Kristina glanced to them then back to Robert.
“I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to be up but I wish to hear what you’ve learned in regards to hunting Estelle. I pointedly avoided the subject until now as I wish to hear from everyone.”
“Very little. William sent a message to certain people, whom he won’t name, on the chance the woman might have retreated to London. As of this morning he’s not heard from them,” Robert started.
“In the meantime Jolene and I asked around the village about a woman with a slight French accent. Again, we’ve not had any success. I even took it upon myself the task of accompanying Mrs. Swanson and my wife on the tenant visits two days ago.”
“And no one is familiar with anyone meeting the description we have, even when shown the drawing. However, I should point out all the mothers we spoke to a very anxious to see your baby. To be honest, something tells me they will be bestowing little gifts on her so you should be prepared,” Jolene continued.
This was something Kristina had never heard of. Tenants reciprocating their appreciation for the care given them. What had her even more befuddled, no one had seen or heard anything about Estelle. Then she remembered something when she and Robert had saved Ethan causing the death of Désirée. Could this be the answer? She was about to ask when the luncheon gong sounded. Her thought would wait until later.
With the meal over and still feeling strong enough to remain up along with not having heard from the nanny Kristina suggested they repair to the office.
“I was wondering, when we first met Estelle wasn’t she dressed in boots and britches at least once?”
Silence was the response Kristina received from her query. She studied the others.
“Yes, come to think of it you might be right. Could she, to hide in plain sight, be wearing similar attire now and that’s why no one remembers seeing her,” William stated.
“Kristina dear, do you believe you could do another rendering of Estelle. This time with short hair, as a gentleman might wear, and add several stones to her weight,” Robert requested.
“Yes, I can, but that will have to wait as I see Sydney with nanny behind him. I do believe, Your Grace, your namesake is hungry again,” Kristina said.
“As I haven’t had a chance to see the little darling today, Lady Kristina, would you mind if I accompanied you?” Jolene asked.
“Not at all. I’m sure she will be honored to have you join us while she takes in a meal.”
“Darling, I don’t believe our daughter will even be aware Her Grace will be with you,” Robert teased.
Ignoring him, she stood and with Jolene at her side Kristina left. What she did find interesting were the jesting comments coming from her mother. One in particular, had Robert held their child yet. Stopping as she wished to hear the answer and when he answered no, Kristina had the most of amusing ideas. However, she’d wait until alone with Jolene in the nursery before mentioning it to her. This then had Kristina also ponder the thought, how would her father act when he met their daughter?
/> In the nursery, Kristina watched Helen, sitting in a rocking chair, talk softly to the baby. That must have been the reason Kristina wasn’t greeted by screams and caterwauling. She’d already learned that Jolene loved to be rocked.
When Kristina saw the maid start to stand the duchess came to her rescue.
“No, no, my dear. Please remain seated especially since you are holding my godchild in your arms. I also declare that this room, in the entire mansion and the occupants, are free of formality. Please pass that information along to the other maids who help look after Miss Markson.”
“Yes, Your Grace, I will and thank you.”
Taking a seat in another rocking chair Kristina undid the top several buttons of the bodice, accepted a damp flannel, cleaned off her nipples then took baby Jolene and settled her against one. She dismissed the maid and Mrs. Campbell.
“Would you please wait outside. Her Grace and I wish to converse in private.”
“Yes, m’ lady, I’ll wait at the bottom of the stairs. Call if you need me.”
Once the nanny was out of earshot and the baby was feeding nicely, Kristina focused on the duchess. “Did you hear Robert’s reply when asked if he’d held Jolene?” she asked.
“My dear, if you’re thinking what I am then I love the idea. Not only will Robert be embarrassed into holding his baby, but your father, when he arrives, and William will have to do the same.”
“Once my little one finishes, then her diaper changed, we need to find the proper outfit for her to wear. I’m thinking something long, white and flowing. Unfortunately, as I haven’t had a chance to have anything made I’m at a loss.”
“Worry not, my dear.” Jolene started, then called for the nanny. “Go to my suite and have the maid give you the gown I had made for Miss Markson.”
“Yes, Your Grace,” Nanny answered back.
“Jolene, I don’t understand. Our baby has several dresses she can wear as you’ve seen over the past few days.”
“Ah, my dear Kristina, on that you are correct. However, this is so to speak her first formal presentation to the entire family. Thusly, Miss Markson must be attired accordingly.”
Once baby Jolene finished her meal, was burped then cleaned up and wearing the flowing white gown Kristina carried Jolene to the office but stopped a stride from the office. As anticipated, Sydney was outside the door. Given his new direction, Kristina waited until the duchess entered and was seated then to the butler. “You may announce us.”
“Your Graces, m’ lords and lady, I am pleased to present Viscountess of Hampshire and The Honorable Jolene Markson,” he called out.
Much to Kristina’s relief his announcement didn’t wake Jolene. She was pleased they were met with subdued cheers with everyone standing, neither of which she expected. Focusing her attention on one individual in particular, Robert, Kristina swept up to him.
“Our daughter, m’ lord. Make sure your arm cradles her back and head,” she instructed.
“Do you mind if I take her for the first time sitting down?”
“Not at all.”
Waiting for Robert to be seated she then handed Jolene over.
“She is lovely and looks so much like you, especially in the eyes,” he declared.
“Thank you and she does have your stubbornness.”
“Of that I’m glad. I think!”
As he continued to look down at his daughter, he watched her tiny hand reach up and try to grab his cravat. He let her. Later, Evan would be able to wash and iron out the wrinkles, not that he really cared. She then started to squirm a little in his arms and he could feel a slight nervousness overtake him. Robert peeked over to Kristina. “Darling, what do I do? I’m afraid if she continues to wiggle she could slip from my arms and I don’t wish to hold her to tightly.”
“Try talking to her in a soft voice. That usually works for me. All I suggest, don’t bounce her. Granted she has burped, but you never can tell if she might again.”
“My sweetling, I promise not to be a stranger to you. As you slowly grow we will have fun together, even playing games. Then when old enough I’ll teach you to ride. Your mother, and other brothers and sisters, and I will go on picnics. During the appropriate times of the year we’ll show you off to everyone of note in London.” As he talked softly he smiled on seeing her calm then close her eyes. Before he knew it, she was asleep.
Robert glanced about to the others and saw they were all grinning at him.
“Am I that boring?”
“No, Robert, you’re not, or at least I don’t think so. You seem to have a voice which she appears to like,” William declared.
“Husband, shall I take her back to the nursery?” Kristina asked.
“No, not right now. She seems comfortable in my arms. I do have something we need to discuss and having Jolene with us will help make the decisions easier,” Robert declared.
“Kristina, I do believe what he’s talking about is baby Jolene’s safety. By now, not only have the tenants learned of her birth but also those in the village,” the duchess stated.
“And Estelle will hear of the baby’s presence soon, if she hasn’t already. We all are aware of the woman’s determination. I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to sneak in and attempt to steal Jolene, the baby that is,” William added.
Hearing a partial scream from Kristina he looked down at the baby and was happy she was still sleeping.
“My dearest wife, I can assure you that will never happen. Don’t forget we’ve guards outside your door and maids in the room.”
“Robert, Kristina before you say anything, please hear me out as I’ve a possible idea to not only protect you both but my wife’s namesakes. What if we switch suites? This way, if Estelle does make her way in she’d be greeted by us and the current guards. Outside your, or currently our room don’t have any. That way you should remain relatively safe,” William recommended.
“But that will put you at risk of being hurt or killed,” Kristina declared.
“Not really as we will be sharing the bed in your suite dear lady. And as we are both light sleepers we will hear any disturbance and rush to help your staff if need be,” William promised.
“Thank you and we will do as you recommend. What makes everything so much better, only a few select staff are allowed in the family wing. We can swear them to silence,” Robert added.
“What about Jolene? She sleeps in the nursery,” Kristina stated.
“There must be a doll, like we used in Scotland to trick Albert Nevin, we can dress up and wrap in a blanket. That’s what the nanny will carry to and from the third floor. This way if Estelle is watching she won’t see anything out of the ordinary,” Robert explained.
Feeling movement in his arms, Robert peered down to see his daughter blink several times before finally opening her eyes, then screamed which was followed but crying. That was when he noticed a rancid smell.
“Kristina, if I’m not mistaken, your daughter relieved herself, so I’m giving her back to you.”
“Correction, Miss Jolene Markson is our daughter. Now, carefully stand and take her to the nursery where the nanny will help you clean her up,” Kristina ordered.
“William, as some day, and very soon I suspect you’ll be a grandfather when Ethan and Katherine marry, you might wish to accompany Robert to learn the process of making a baby happy,” the duchess declared.
With a grin to the duke, Robert stood and carefully carried baby Jolene out of the office and up to the nursery. There he, along with William were greeted by the nanny.
“Your Grace, m’ lord, as I see a bit of panic in your eyes I’m guessing Miss Markson needs to be cleaned up. Not only that but Her Grace and Lady Kristina have decreed I’m to instruct you.”
Robert suspected his wife had informed the woman to be prepared for this particular duty. Aware Robert had no choice he replied, “You are correct.”
Carefully, he followed the nanny’s directions and finally
not only had he taken care of Jolene’s dirtiness, but put her in a clean gown. That was when he realized the process, albeit difficult with a wiggling, squirming baby, wasn’t all that hard. Mayhap, next time he might be able to take care of his daughter with only a little guidance.
Glancing to William he raised a brow. “So, do you believe you could handle the process on your own?”
“With practice and a great deal of guidance from a skilled nanny. Now, that my goddaughter is presentable shall we return to the ladies?”
“Most definitely,” Robert then said to the nanny. “We wish for you to accompany us as we’ve things to tell you. Before you panic you’re not in trouble, but there will be a few changes needed to be taken for Miss Markson’s safety.”
Robert spied a doll which would be a perfect substitute for his daughter. He handed Jolene to a surprised William and picked up the toy.
“Your Grace, I’m confident you can handle her,” Robert stated, then marched from the nursery and down to his office.
Robert directed the nanny to stand by the door.
“Lady Kristina, isn’t that interesting. His Lordship left carrying Miss Markson and His Grace is bringing her back. I wonder if they will be able to handle a few more duties?” Jolene teased.
“They should be able to except for making sure our baby is fed,” Kristina jested.
“That may be so. However, we asked Mrs. Campbell to join us for a few minutes,” Robert started then waved the nanny into a chair.
“Your Graces, m’ lord and lady, how may I be of assistance?”
“To maintain your and our daughter’s safety we will be moving you into the family sitting room across from the suite that His and Her Grace occupy. Except they won’t be there. Her Ladyship and I will move into there and they will occupy ours. This way if Estelle tries to hurt or kidnap Miss Markson she will come up empty handed and we will capture her,” Robert started to explain.
“As the only way to see into that particular parlor is from the front of the mansion no one will see you moving about. Also, with the stairs to the nursery inside we can have several footmen bring the cradle and whatever else is needed down without being seen,” Kristina said in conclusion.