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The Hunt Ends (Markson Regency Mystery Book 6) Page 7
The Hunt Ends (Markson Regency Mystery Book 6) Read online
Page 7
Robert waited while Sydney and William departed before addressing the remaining footmen.
“You are to escort the ladies to my office and stay with them until I arrive,” Robert declared.
“Be careful, my husband,” Kristina said.
“I will,” he answered, gave her a kiss on the cheek then with Eustace at his side ran to the stairs.
Taking them two at a time, he started down the corridor where Jolene was staying. At the far end on the hall he saw William come from the servant stair doorway and march toward the room. When he heard someone yelling and Beau barking, Robert quickened his pace. He thrust the door open to see Estelle on her back with Beau’s front paws on her chest and his muzzle inches from the woman’s face.
Robert stormed up to Mrs. Campbell who held Jolene, patting the baby’s back to help calm her. On hearing a scuffle over his shoulder, Robert saw Estelle attempting to fight with the duke and earl, while Beau was nipping at her legs.
Never one to strike a woman before, this person was different. She’d tried to kidnap his daughter. Robert strode over to her, balled his hand into a fist, sending it onto her jaw. She dropped to her knees then landed face down on the floor. To add insult to injury, if she was aware, Beau sat on her back.
“Well thrown, m’ lord,” the nanny declared.
He gave her a nod as several footmen stormed into the room.
“M’ lord, we’re sorry for taking so long on arriving. I see our services aren’t needed except to carry that thing to a cell in the basement,” the older one said.
“Yes. Make sure she’s well chained and set a watch over her. Tomorrow we’ll turn her over to the magistrate for justice that is a long time in coming,” Robert announced.
“Yes, m’ lord,” Toby replied.
Once the woman was removed Robert turned back to Mrs. Campbell and held out his arms and took Jolene.
“You certainly have a way with the young miss, I’ll give you that, m’ lord.”
“Thank you. As it’s late, tomorrow you and she will return to the nursery, for which I’m sure you look forward to.”
“We do, m’ lord.”
He saw William and Eustace, both grinning.
“Shall we retreat to the office as I’m sure the ladies are impatiently awaiting our return,” Robert said.
After taking a seat, he along with William and Eustace told the ladies what happened, even pointing out Beau’s invaluable assistance.
Early the next morning, under guard by several armed grooms and footmen, Robert watched the wagon carrying Estelle, still in chains, depart the courtyard. Beside him stood William and Eustace. He was pleased the ladies had decided to remain inside.
“I’m sure within a few days we, or at least I, will be called to testify at the trial,” Robert declared.
“I will be joining you in the witness box as well, m’ lord. Don’t forget even if she didn’t actually kill the marquis the woman aided her sister in the murder,” William added.
“Shall we rejoin the ladies then have breakfast?” Eustace suggested.
Robert followed William and Eustace back into the mansion and up to the viscountess parlor. After collecting Kristina everyone retired to the family dining room and enjoyed their first meal of the day. Dismissing the footmen and informing Sydney the duke and duchess would be returning to their original suite as with him and Kristina to theirs.
“And Miss Markson and Mrs. Campbell to the nursery?”
“Yes, the nanny is already aware of that. All we need to do is make a space for Beau for I’m sure he won’t leave Jolene’s side,” Robert added.
“Kristina, now we need to readdress the question of visiting London,” Robert said.
“I agree. Jolene, my mother and I were discussing that while you gentlemen saw Estelle off. We agreed that next week would be an excellent time to leave. That will give the townhouse staff a chance to make everything ready for our return,” Kristina pronounced.
“We also plan to repair to the city at the same time. This way we can enjoy the peace and quiet of here,” the duchess added.
“The same with us,” Sylvia uttered.
Robert was happy everything was finally coming together, even his chest no longer hurt so he’d be able to waltz with his wife at the many balls they’d be invited to.
“Kristina, I can’t remember, but have we ever held a ball at the townhouse?”
“No, and I believe we should. I also would like your permission to send a letter to Ethan and Katherine inviting them to dinner. This way my troublesome brother may quietly meet his niece,” Kristina suggested.
“And godparents,” William teased.
“Not to mention the proud grandparents,” Eustace jested.
Finally, with the meal over, Robert took the gentlemen to his office to review and write posts while the ladies retired to Kristina’s sitting room to do the same.
Four days later, with Estelle’s fate decided by the magistrate, she danced the hangman’s gig
A week later, as the Hampshire traveling carriage rolled into the courtyard of his townhouse, Robert wondered what the reaction on seeing him carry his daughter would be from the butler and housekeeper. Add to that the invasion of a collie. Of course, as with the estate all the staff would need to be sniffed by Beau.
“Kristina, why don’t you give our daughter to Mrs. Campbell when we stop. I’ll hand you down then she can pass her out to you,” Robert suggested.
“Yes, that would be the easiest,” his wife answered.
“And then, I will help you out and don’t even think of arguing the point.”
“M’ lord, I’m staff,” the nanny tried to counter.
“That may be true but didn’t I help you in at the estate. Thusly, I will assist you out here. I will brook no argument on that. However,” Robert paused and looked down to Beau resting at his feet. “You’re on your own on getting out.”
The collie’s bark brought him and Kristina to laughter while Jolene squeaked.
Once the ladies were standing on the cobblestones, Robert waited while the senior staff greeted them. He looked to Kristina, smiled then took Jolene into his arms. Turning back, he grinned on seeing Bing and Mrs. Stoneworth come to a quick halt, eyes wide and jaws opened.
“What, can’t a father carry his child?”
“You’re a viscount, m’ lord. Handling a baby is for the nanny, wet nurse and occasionally the viscountess,” the housekeeper declared.
“Well, things are going to change around here. To start with, allow me in introduce you to Mrs. Campbell, Miss Markson’s nanny. As for a wet nurse we don’t have one,” Kristina stated.
Robert watched as the two staff took in, not only what he said, but now what his wife as said. He still had one more surprise in store for them.
Not even glancing over his shoulder, he called out, “Beau, come.”
Robert watched as the collie jumped out then came to sit at his feet.
“M’ lord, we don’t have a kennel. That animal will have to stay in the stable.” Bing uttered.
“He belongs to our daughter and as such will live in the house,” Robert told them.
Then with Kristina at one side and Beau on the other, Mrs. Campbell following, Robert marched into the townhouse, leaving the two staff speechless.
“Dear, why don’t you take Jolene and with Mrs. Campbell go up to the nursery and make sure everything is set. The trunks should already be there. Once, the unflappable, Bing regains his composure I’ll tell him of our dinner guests,” Robert said.
“Where shall we meet after I take care of Jolene and my needs?”
“My office as I’m sure one of the many letters Her Grace sent here was to announce our return. I’d wager a large stack of invitations await our, correction your, review.”
“I agree. If you’ll give me about forty-five minutes, I’ll join you. At least there won’t be any for this eve.”
“I should
hope not.”
Giving his wife a delicate kiss on the cheek Robert watched as she, carrying Jolene, and with Beau at her side and the nanny ascended the main stairs. Once she was out of sight he turned back to see Bing and Mrs. Stoneworth standing behind him, still stunned at seeing him carrying his daughter, he suspected.
“I’m glad to see you both have recovered, somewhat. Her Ladyship and I will be having six friends for dinner this eve.”
“Yes, m’ lord. I shall inform Cook so she may make the necessary changes to the menu. Might I inquire who the guests will be.”
“Certainly, The Duke and Duchess of Clarion, Earl and Countess of Crossington along with Lord Ethan and Lady Katherine. And before you ask, Lord Ethan has been invited so he may meet his niece,” Robert stated.
“Very good, m’ lord.”
Robert made for his suite to wash up from the journey. That done he went to his office and was greeted, on entering, by a very large stack of posts sitting on the desk. He groaned.
Later with the balls selected to attend over the next few days Robert escorted Kristina to her suite then continued on to his. Walking in he was met by Evan who had the requested jacket and trousers set out on the bed. After bathing and attired he made his way down to the viscountess parlor to await his wife and their guests.
A few minutes after his arrival Kristina swept in with Jolene in her arms. His daughter was wearing a white dress with lace at the neck, sleeves and hem.
“And how is my little darling this eve. Are you ready to meet your uncle and his lady?”
All Robert got for his effort was a gurgle and giggle from her. Holding his arms out he accepted Jolene from his wife then with her took a seat on one of several settees in the parlor. He then instructed Beau to hide, with a hand signal, behind the divan.
The first to arrive were William and his wife, soon followed by Eustace and Sylvia. Finally, Robert watched as Bing stepped into the doorway and announced Ethan and Katherine’s presence. Steeling himself for what might come from Kristina’s brother he watched as the young man escorted his betrothed in and straight up to him.
“M’ lord, might I be permitted to hold my niece? As this is a day I’ve looked forward to for several years,” Ethan asked.
“Yes you may, but first Beau has to approve of you,” Kristina declared, not surprised at the chuckles from the others, save Robert.
“And who is this Beau person. A new member of your staff?”
“You might say so. All I can say, if he doesn’t accept you and Lady Katherine neither of you will be permitted to hold our daughter,” Robert stated firmly.
Robert waved to Beau, who’d remained silent, then watched the collie come around the divan and up to Ethan. The dog first sniffed Ethan then Katherine then went to lie at Robert’s feet as he held Jolene.
“For some reason our daughter’s guardian has approved of you, so yes you may hold Jolene but only after taking seats,” Kristina declared.
After they were settled on a settee Robert stood and hand Jolene, under skilled directions, to Ethan.
“She’s adorable and looks like you, my sister.”
“Thank you, brother, but I should point out we are out of the business so don’t even think of seeking our help. With Estelle now in the ground my husband and I have declared the hunt has ended. We will now relax, enjoy our daughter along with future children mostly at our country estate.”
“Kristina is correct. We asked her to come to London so members of the ton can meet our goddaughter,” the duchess declared.
The gong announcing dinner stopped all conversation. Robert turned his daughter over to Mrs. Campbell then escorted his wife and the others to the dining room.
Over the next month, when not attending balls and even holding one of their own, Robert and Kristina with weather permitting enjoyed strolling about Hyde Park. Many times with him either carrying his daughter or pushing the stroller she rested in. Always with Beau at their side.
Tired of the gossips Robert took his wife and daughter back to their country estate.
As their carriage entered the mansion courtyard Robert thought back over the past three years then turned to his wife.
“My dearest, isn’t it wonderful here. Peaceful and relaxing.”
Ten years later- May 1827
From her chair overlooking the wide expanse of lawn Kristina watched several of the older girls receive instructions in painting from her former lady’s maid. It turned out Amanda was very skilled with a brush.
While the boys were being taught the fine art of fencing from Evan who was now the butler. He’d been promoted to the position when Sydney retired three years past.
On Kristina’s lap, Victoria or as the blonde four-year-old preferred, Vikki, rested after finishing her dance lesson.
Glancing over to Robert who seemed to be watching the littlest ones play, Kristina smiled.
“Robert, now that we’re out of mourning for my father I’ve an idea when we return to London next week.”
“Considering we’ve already caused a stir within the ton I’m sure I’ll love your suggestion.”
“Sometime in the next few weeks we have a ball. However, and this is where it gets interesting, instead of in the evening we hold the event in the afternoon, but not for adults but the children of the peers.”
“Oh, Mommy, can I come. Please,” Vikki piped up, the last word, much to Kristina’s amusement, was announced with tiny hands on either of her daughter’s cheeks, as well as a definite pleading tone in the little girl’s voice.
“Of course, my precious one,” Kristina replied.
“Considering the ton, I’m sure they are still talking about me carrying one of my children or pushing the perambulator around the park, I love your idea.”
“So do I,” a voice behind Kristina announced.
Putting Vikki down Kristina stood at the same time she saw Robert rise then turned to see who’d arrived.
“Aunt Jolene,” Vikki squeaked out then rushed up to the duchess.
“Jolene, this is truly a pleasurable surprise. What brings you to visit?” Kristina said then glanced at the young lady holding the duchess’ hand.
“And who might this charming young girl be?” Robert said.
“This is Victoria. She had a desire to meet the viscount and viscountess who helped save England from traitors and spies,” Jolene pronounced.
“My name is also Victoria but I like being called Vikki.” Kristina’s youngest declared.
“I wish I could be called that also, but my mother refuses to allow it. She insists I always be identified by my title, Princess Victoria.”
On hearing the young girl was next in line to wear the crown Kristina started to curtsey but stopped when the young girl raised her hand.
“No, that’s not necessary, but I would like to also meet Jolene. Something tells me, just from her name alone we will be great friends and I might need her help in the future.”
“Jolene, you’ve a visitor,” Robert called out over his shoulder.
“Yes, father.”
Kristina watched as their oldest, barefoot as always, raced up to them.
“Godmother, this is a surprise. Will you be staying for dinner?” Jolene blurted out.
“We plan to, if invited then for the night as we must return to London on the morrow. Jolene may I introduce you to Victoria.”
Her mother was happy when Jolene held out her hand to greet the princess and it was taken by the young girl.
The End
I’ve been an avid readers ever since I was old enough to hold a red leather bound first edition copy of Sir Walter Scott’s The Lady of the Lake in my lap.
So it only seemed natural at some point in my life I take up pen and paper to start writing. Over time my skills slightly improved which I attribute to my English teachers.
My breakthrough came about in the mid 1970’s when I read a historical romance writte
n by Sergeanne Golon, Angelique. This French husband and wife team opened my eyes to the real world of fiction. Stories about romance, beautiful damsels, handsome heroes and plots which kept me hooked. Of course, being a man, I had to keep my reading hidden from others as that wasn’t appropriate reading for men.
With this new found appreciation of the written word I took up other books and devoured them as a starving person would a plate of food. I them attempted to write again. I still wasn’t satisfied so I put it aside for years as other events entered my life.
Finally, in the early years of the new millennium I tried again to write and once again met with limited success. At least now I was able to get past the first page or two. Then, in 2006 a life changing event brought me back to my love, I took a job as a security officer. This allowed me plenty of time to read different genres.
My favourite was regency. As I poured through everyone I could get my hands on I knew this could be something I wanted to attempt.
Since 2012 when my debut regency romantic suspense released I was hooked and have, except for a few contemporaries, focused on this genre.
Since 2012 I’ve lived in central Texas. I’m also a member of Romance Writers of America and their local chapter.
Where you can find me-
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/lindsay.downs.7
Facebook Pages- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lindsay-Downs-Author/325132754200597?ref=hl
Twitter- @ldowns2966
LinkedIn- http://www.linkedin.com/home
Goodreads- http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/3210224-lindsay
Lindsay Downs-Romance Author- http://lindsaydowns-romanceauthor.weebly.com/