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A Highland Romance (Markson Regency Mystery Book 5) Page 2
A Highland Romance (Markson Regency Mystery Book 5) Read online
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For Robert that was great news. If they were able to find gold then, as promised, the majority would go to the Crown. The rest he would use to reinvest in the estate. His thoughts turned back to those of earlier, over breakfast. The sons would be given a section of land from their parents’ farm. On the other hand, the girls would need the money for a dowry. Now, he only hoped gold could be found. But first-
“Lady Kristina and I will be riding out shortly and wondered if you’d care to join us?”
“As long as you don’t ride that huge monster when last we visited,” Kristina teased, from the doorway bringing the men to their feet.
Robert marched over to her, offered his hand which she took and he guided her over to her favorite settee.
“How was your time with Rose and Cook? Oh, and I’ve learned the baby is named after you,” he stated.
“Yes and I am honored. Did Glenn tell you that Keith spends as much time as possible with the baby? It would seem he’s become even more attached than anyone first thought.”
“That, m’ lady, if you remember he never knew his father and is determined to make sure Kristina has all of the love he can give,” Glenn explained.
“That’s what I learned from Cook. While we were talking Mrs. Fairbairn joined us. She explained that the feelings between the three are real, but he’s nervous and scared to approach you in requesting permission to marry.”
“Before we get into that, as we’re here not only to be tormented by Glenn but to participate in the first highland gathering in years. How are the preparations going?” he asked.
“I received a brief report from Mrs. Fairbairn and everything is proceeding quite well. I would suggest we meet with her, Cook and Hamish too, when we return from our ride. That way they will have time to put everything together,” Kristina recommended.
“Then, as I’ve already informed Seamus of our needs for the mounts, shall we be off?” Robert declared, even though he suspected his stablemaster would have Daisy, but not Julius, ready.
That, he’d have to take care of himself. Then again, his friend would need to saddle a horse to join them. Helping his wife up, he, with her hand in his, Robert led them to the stables.
Chapter Three
At two of the three farms they’d visited Kristina watched Robert spend most of his time talking with the husbands. However, it was the last couple that had her confused. He’d spoken briefly with the tenant before turning his attention to the young man’s wife and the baby in her arms. Even Glenn, she’d seen, was aware of this change in Robert’s behavior, wanting to spend time talking to the mother about the baby.
Th village church bell rang out twelve times. Kristina smiled. They’d be returning to the castle for luncheon. She’d have the chance to talk to her husband about what he’d pondered about earlier. She decided to have their meal in Robert’s office. There they would be able to talk freely without staff hovering about.
When they entered the courtyard, she saw Seamus along with two grooms coming from the stable. Kristina hoped this meant Robert wouldn’t have to look after his beast but join her immediately. She looked around and didn’t see the mounting steps then started for the side of the barn when Robert shook his head.
“No, m’ lady, I’ll lift you down,” he told her in a soft voice.
“Thank you, kind sir.”
In minutes she was standing on the ground with his hands still around her waist. This was a nice feeling—warm, comforting, secure. Kristina knew she’d never grow tired of the excitement of his touch.
This open affection was out of character for him as he tended to keep sentiments private and not open for display.
“Are you all right, husband?” she whispered.
“I’d love to keep my arms around you, alone, but I feel it’s necessary to have a meeting with Glenn.”
“Would you care to join His Lordship and I in my parlor for luncheon?” she directed to Glenn.
After Robert had released her, she saw a trace of tension in Robert’s jaw. She’d chosen the sitting room as it presented a more relaxing place for them to talk.
“It would be a pleasure, m’ lady,” Glenn replied with a bow.
“Wonderful. Shall we say thirty minutes as that will allow me time to change into a day dress.” She turned to Robert and glared. “And give someone a chance to change their shirt.”
She freed her hand from his and swept to the castle. As she climbed the front steps she was met by Hamish. From behind, Kristina heard Robert and Glenn approach, but she didn’t wait for them. Turning to the butler she directed him to have three trays prepared and to be delivered to her parlor when she rang for them.
“Yes, m’ lady. I’ll make sure they are.”
Kristina reached for Robert’s hand again and let him guide her up to their suites. She started to open the door, but had the latch yanked from her hand. Amanda presented herself, smiling from ear to ear.
“M’ lord, and lady, it would seem you had a wonderful time out making calls.”
“Yes. At least I did. As you can see from His Lordship there was another adventure in helping to capture a wayward farm animal. This time though, it was a chicken.” Kristina laughed then stepped in leaving Robert in the hall.
She waited while listening to his heavy footsteps as he marched to his suite, opened then closed the door with a thud.
“Help me out of my habit and while I refresh myself hunt down my light green day dress with the elbow length sleeves. I’ll be wanting my brown walking boots. After luncheon I’m going to convince His Lordship to join me for a stroll in the garden.”
“Very good, m’ lady.”
Once she was finished, she met Robert in the hallway. She always loved when he waited for her, finding his behavior quite romantic.
Overwhelmed with joy, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the cheek. The thin layer of beard scraped across her lips, reminding her of their lovemaking last night and how she had the burn on her skin from his affection.
By the light in his eyes, she had a feeling he reflected her thoughts.
“Don’t you feel so much better?” she jested.
“Yes, now shall we adjourn to your parlor where I’m sure Glenn is waiting for us,” he stated, then accepted her hand.
His tension returned once they reached the sitting room. She hoped eating would help and maybe finally he would inform her and Glenn what had him in such distorts.
Sweeping in Kristina was happy to see Glenn was already there and the trays too.
“M’ lady, I hope you don’t mind, but I called for them.”
“Not at all and thank you. Please, help yourself,” Kristina directed to the men.
Taking a seat on the settee, she waited until Robert and Glenn took chairs opposite then Kristina met her husband’s gaze, willing him to explain the reason for the meeting.
He lowered his eyes.
Was he stalling?
Kristina could barely manage a few nibbles of her lunch. She once again watched Robert and was pleased that some of the tightness in his jaw had vanished, but she sensed it wouldn’t leave entirely until they spoke.
“First, as it’s only the three of us, I would like to request formality be put aside,” Kristina declared. “Robert, I can no longer hold my tongue. What has been troubling you since the last tenant visit?”
“Glenn, I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I’m going to be a father in the next year. That is why I held the baby, which I have never done before. As for Keith and Rose I will be giving them permission to marry. In fact, I’d made the decision even before leaving for England.”
Robert still didn’t relax. It was the slight, almost invisible, tick over his left eye which told Kristina that there was more to talk about.
“Robert, darling, there’s something else isn’t there? I suspect it has to do with Keith and Rose.”
“We are aware they are orphans, thus having no funds bestowed on them to even rent a cottage.” Kristina w
atched as he focused on Glenn who’d stopped eating. “As you know I was the spare and never received the necessary schooling in the running of estates.”
“If I may Robbie, as such you don’t know where they will live once married. Right now Keith lives over the stables while Rose along with baby Kristina have an attic room.”
“I think I have the perfect solution.” Kristina chimed in. “Glenn, you live with your family on the farm, so who is using the estate manager cottage?”
“No one currently,” he answered.
“When here last we had a family move in while their cottage could be rebuilt. What if we bestowed the one for the manager on them Robert, as a wedding gift?” Kristina suggested.
Robert bolted up and paced the room, then stopped, helped Kristina up and kissed her fully on the mouth. Finally, after what seemed a heavenly eternity, he released her and set her back down on the settee.
“I’m guessing your exhibition of excitement has something to do with my recommendation,” she teased, once she was able to collect her thoughts.
“It does, my dear. Might I suggest we finish then take a walk to the back of the garden so we may look over the house. I believe it’s important to see what will be needed to make it liveable,” Robert stated.
“Might I also propose if little to no work is required we have Rose move in very soon. This way she’ll be able to get herself and the baby settled before Keith joins them,” Kristina said.
“This is all well and good, but as Keith hasn’t received permission to marry Rose we can’t do anything,” Glenn told them.
Kristina knew that was true and also, until they married if Rose was staying alone in the cottage what would prevent him from joining her?
“Then Robert, I would recommend we retire to your office then have Keith sent for so you may give your consent. Then, with Rose under Cook’s guard waiting in the hall and out of earshot, we then invite her in so he may propose. Also, until they marry might I suggest a maid stay with her? That will definitely prevent any late night visits by him.”
“You don’t really think—”
“Oh, yes I do, or have you forgotten the attempts at the stolen kisses before we married?” she teased.
A laugh from Glenn caused her face to warm as what she’d just announced was supposed to be a secret. A glare to her husband silenced him from saying a word about those occurrences to anyone.
“Enough,” she snapped at both men.
“As you wish, my dear. Shall we go to my office then have Hamish send for Keith and Rose,” Robert said.
At the door to the office Kristina halted and directed Glenn to remain there to make sure Rose didn’t approach until called for.
When Keith arrived she nodded to Robert.
“You have our permission to marry Rose if she’ll have you. Remember though, you’ll also be taking on the challenge of helping her raise the baby. Glenn will be sending me reports on your behavior. Do you understand?”
“Yes, m’ lord, and lady. All I can say, your manager will send you nothing but excellent news. I look forward to raising the baby while giving Rose a few of our own.”
Kristina then understood he’d be the best husband possible. Seeing Glenn glance in she nodded which was his cue to have Rose, under the guidance of Cook enter.
Chapter Four
Instead of taking a seat at the desk, Robert reached out for Kristina and together they stepped in front of it. He knew, seeing how nervous Keith appeared, Rose would be even more so for being called to the office without a hint as to why.
“Relax. If everything we know about her is true she will accept your offer,” Robert told the frightened young man.
“Thank you, m’ lord. I do have one question. What do I say?”
“That’s easy, just ask her to become your wife. With Her Ladyship and I present that will inform her of our consent. Now, here she is. Stand straight and smile,” Robert directed.
Glancing to the door, Robert saw Rose, Cook standing to one side with Glenn on the frightened girl’s left. He offered his arm and, after a moment of hesitancy, Rose rested her hand on it. With a nod, Robert studied the young woman as she was escorted in. Glenn stopped several feet in front of Keith then lifted her hand from his arm.
After giving Rose a slight bow to her deep curtsey, Robert focused his attention on her. He was pleased with Cook that the girl wore a clean apron and had washed the flour off her hands and face.
“Rose, I know you must be nervous and panicked at being called into Her Ladyship’s and my presence. I can assure you that you’ve done nothing wrong. Keith, who has been courting you for the past several months has a question to which he has my permission to ask.”
At first Robert wasn’t sure if he needed to give the young man a shove but saw that wouldn’t be necessary when Keith took a step toward Rose and took her hands in his.
“Rose, will you marry me?” Keith blurted out.
“Yes, of course I will.”
After congratulations were given Robert addressed the couple.
“Wonderful. As we’re in Scotland there’s no need for the banns to be read for the next three Sundays, so might I suggest your wedding be the opening ceremony for the games in several weeks?”
“And no sneaking off to Gretna Green or hunting down the village smithy for an anvil wedding. The ceremony will be performed by Reverend Johnson on the village green so everyone will be able to witness the marriage,” Kristina stated.
“Thank you, m’ lord and lady. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’ve scones in the oven and need to make sure they don’t burn,” Rose declared, curtsied then with Cook at her side, slipped out.
“And I must return to my duties in the stable before Seamus thinks I’ve run off in fear,” Keith said, bowed then quietly left.
Robert peered down to Kristina and was slightly disturbed by what he saw. It wasn’t her normal soft smile, but a snicker mixed with a devilish glint in her eyes. Whatever she was planning he knew one thing, it would cost him money.
He guided Kristina to the settee. Once settled he joined her then waved Glenn to the chair across from them.
“As Rose doesn’t have a father the duty will fall upon me to escort her up to the minister and Keith. Is there anything else you’ll wish me to do? I’m only asking so I will be prepared,” Robert said.
“No, except helping to judge some of the contests. As of right now I’m not sure which but, worry not, you’ll be up to the task.”
“Robbie, don’t forget we do have several events which will surely test you and I,” Glenn teased.
“If you’re talking about the caber toss or stone put I’d wager I can still out do you. However, I’m not sure about the sheaf toss,” he declared.
With those details settled, Robert turned to his wife. “Shall we see the cottage?”
“Yes. If you’ll give me a moment to collect my bonnet and parasol I will meet you gentlemen on the veranda.”
Robert knew his wife would be longer than a few minutes.
“Have you or anyone you trust been able to find out anything more about the person who assaulted Rose? From what I recall she doesn’t remember much, just that it was dark and a sack was thrust over her head.”
“No, I haven’t and right now I’m afraid to inquire further. As you can tell she’s delighted working in the kitchen as the baker and has a beautiful baby girl. Now with Keith marrying her she’ll be even happier. To that point I wonder if we shouldn’t drop the idea of hunting down the man or men,” Glenn suggested.
“Normally, Glenn I would agree with you but not in this particular case. If you don’t mind I’ll explain my reasoning once we’re away from the castle and enroute to the cottage,” Kristina announced from the door.
Robert stepped up and offered Kristina his hand then, with Glenn following, made their way downstairs then to the lawn. He waited until Glenn came up to her right side before peering down to her.
“Why do you believe we should continue
the hunt for the person?”
“What I’m about to impart was told to me in confidence by Amanda knowing fully well I’d pass the information along. Last night my maid awoke to screaming from the cell next over. The room belongs to Rose and the baby. Amanda started to find out what happened when another of the maids stopped her, dragging her to the side of the hall. It wasn’t until Cook was summoned and spoke with Rose did the poor girl calm down.”
“I don’t understand, just because Rose cried out why should we look for her attacker?” Glenn said.
“I do and Kristina, I agree with you.” He looked over to his old friend. “What my wife described I’ve heard of before but involved soldiers who’d survived a horrific battle and seeing their companions killed. Sometimes they recovered and I feel from my experience so will Rose once we apprehend the person who attacked her and with marrying Keith. What I don’t understand, why did Amanda wait so long before informing you?”
“Before she wanted to tell me she wished to speak with several others to find out if this was the first time or not. As she learned this turned out not to be so and Cook talking to Rose helps. What she says I’ve no knowledge of, but we should find out.”
Now Robert was worried. What if Rose had one of these episodes while in the cottage, would the person staying with her know how to react. Then, what would happen once she and Keith married, would they continue? No, Kristina was correct. Between him and Glenn they needed to find the person responsible for causing her such mental discomfort but not inform Rose they were doing so.
“Darling, sometime over the next few days can you have a private conversation with Cook to learn how she’s able to calm Rose? This will also have to be passed along to Keith before their wedding,” Robert uttered.