A Highland Romance (Markson Regency Mystery Book 5) Read online

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  “Of course, my dear. I was planning to anyways. Now here’s the cottage they will share, once married of course.”

  As Robert studied the small building he knew this would be the perfect home for Rose, Keith and the baby. On either side of the white painted front door were windows with flower boxes under them. What made the sight even more beautiful the plants were in full bloom. Even though he wasn’t all that familiar with the flowers he suspected they would stay that way for quite a while.

  Following a path around the left side of the house he, with Kristina still holding his hand, noticed a small but serviceable patio with another door. Glancing through the window he saw the kitchen.

  Testing the latch, and found the door opened easily, he stepped aside so his wife could enter first.

  “Yes, Robert, this will be perfect and what’s best it appears someone has been out at least every week or so to dust and polish the furniture.”

  With a wave of his arm Robert let Kristina lead them into the rest of the house, which was easy as the kitchen and main living area were only separated by a long oak table. As he studied the room he saw the space was sparsely furnished but did have a comfortable fireplace. A worn couch with a low table in front and two padded chairs at each end faced the hearth. The arrangement of the furniture helped to casually divide the two areas.

  “I would suspect Mrs. Fairbairn sends a maid or two out to maintain the house in case the building is needed for guests,” Kristina said.

  “And someone to help with the garden. Did you notice how well kept the beds are maintained, even the little patch for the kitchen?” Glenn added.

  Robert wondered if someone in the household staff, most likely either Hamish or the housekeeper, had had the forethought to place Rose and Keith here. That would help explain the condition of the cottage and grounds.

  “Kristina, have a look in the bedrooms then we should return to the castle as we’ve staff we need to talk with,” Robert stated.

  “Yes,” she told him.

  A few minutes later they returned to the castle. Entering through the garden door they were met by Hamish, Cook and Mrs. Fairbairn. With a nod to dismiss Glenn, Robert turned to the staff.

  “Would the three of you join Her Ladyship and myself in the office?”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  With Kristina on his arm, Robert guided her upstairs. Entering the room, he settled her on the divan then took a seat behind his desk.

  Chapter Five

  A short while later Robert watched as Hamish entered with Cook and Mrs. Fairbairn following.

  He stood and joined Kristina on the settee.

  What he did find interesting, a look of understanding coming from the housekeeper. Could she be the one responsible for the order in the cottage?

  “As we all are aware Keith and Rose will be wed in a few weeks. After which they will need a place to live with the baby. To that end, I’m sure you all are aware Her Ladyship, Glenn and I inspected the cottage.” He stopped, peered over to Kristina and nodded.

  “What we found wasn’t what we’d expected. It seems someone has been caring for the building. Before His Lordship and I continue, we can assure you, no one is in trouble for taking time, staff and needed cleaning supplies to maintain the cottage. Our primary question, were you planning to request permission for the newlyweds to reside there?” Kristina concluded.

  “Yes, m’ lady. As Glenn lives with his family the small house isn’t being used. It’s far enough from here where they will have privacy but sufficiently close if something happens or one is needed they can easily return,” Mrs. Fairbairn explained.

  Robert glanced over to Kristina. When she gave him a slight head bob he withheld any reaction before turning back to the housekeeper. With that taken care of there was only one other problem which needed to be dealt with.

  “Neither Lady Kristina nor I have a problem with Rose and Keith living there. My only other question, so she may be settled when would be the most advantageous time for her to move in? Don’t get me wrong we’ve plenty of room, as you well know, in the castle. Our concern is the baby,” Robert inquired.

  “M’ lord, as tomorrow is her afternoon off would that be convenient?” Cook asked.

  “Yes, that can be worked out. I’ll have Seamus arrange for a wagon to help with the move and Hamish she’ll need several footmen to assist in carrying her furniture,” Robert declared.

  “As we can’t have her living alone, not that we don’t trust Keith, do any of you have someone in mind who can act as chaperone? This would be primarily at night,” Kristina said.

  “M’ lady, Mrs. Fairbairn and I discussed just this subject. We’ve decided with your approval that task should fall upon me. I’m not sure if you are aware but there are times when Rose wakes screaming and punching the air with her fists. It’s like she’s trying to fight off someone. When this happens I’m sent for and I talk in a soft, comforting voice until she calms,” Cook explained.

  “Do you say anything in particular which helps relax the poor girl?” Robert asked.

  “No, m’ lord, except to try to get through by talking about her wonderful baby and how lucky she is to have Keith in her life.”

  “Wait, Cook, didn’t you tell me a few weeks back Rose mumbled something about another young man she didn’t like?” the housekeeper interjected.

  Leaning against the back of the settee Robert glanced to his wife, wondering if this could be the break they were praying for. Not wishing to push the subject, he gently drew Kristina back to him.

  “Let Cook or Mrs. Fairbairn, in their own way tell us,” he whispered.

  “Cook, are you talking about that man who seemingly disappeared about the time we learned of the murder of the former viscount and older brother of His Lordship?” Hamish asked.

  “I believe so. I’d seen him in the village and felt uncomfortable when he looked my way. He would never meet my gaze but would turn away when I studied him,” Cook explained.

  “Besides how he made you feel, Cook, what was Rose’s complaints about him?” Kristina asked.

  “That and she was being seen around with young Sam, whose father was the cooper maker for your distillery, m’ lord and lady. It was only a matter of time before they wed, but as you know that never happened as Sam ran off and enlisted in the army,” Cook began explaining, to be taken up by Hamish.

  “We all suspected that was because he thought she’d been stepping out with another, which we now are aware was false. Her assault caused him to leave early one morning. By then though, the other had left. Then, to make everyone wonder no sooner had Sam departed then the stablemaster at the inn was found dead, his head bashed in,” Hamish concluded.

  “Do any of you remember the name of the person, who was suspected of killing the man or what he looked like?” Robert asked.

  “I can’t recall his name but he had a round, almost baby like face with a large nose. But, that wasn’t the most unusual aspect. His hair was black as a moonless night. And his left arm was slightly deformed,” Cook told them.

  “Do you remember the other young man’s name?”

  “He went by Albert Nevin. A meaner person, I swear, never walked the earth. What makes everything so horrible, he is, or was, Sam’s twin brother.

  “Thank you all for your assistance. Cook, I’ll leave it to you in telling Rose of the move and the help she’ll be getting,” he stated, then dismissed the staff.

  With a hand on Kristina’s arm Robert could tell from her expression she was as worried as he felt. This man had gone on long enough, making other’s lives miserable. Thinking back over the conversation, no one had mentioned baby Kristina or the color of her hair.

  “Darling, we need to see Rose’s baby?” he directed to her, stood, then offered his hand.

  “I know why you wish to but it won’t be necessary. Kristina’s hair is red. Since she’s about a month old it will be difficult to see if the girl has any other of your uncle’s features.”
br />   “Not that I have any experience with children, much less babies, in my heart I’m sure Kristina will grow up to be a wonderful young lady,” Robert stated.

  “And why is that, my husband?”

  “Simply put, the three brothers were raised in hatred by their father. Kristina will be brought up in a loving home with parents who will care for and protect her. Now, if you don’t mind I am desirous of seeing her.”

  With that, he gave Kristina his hand and together went to the third floor where the nursery was.

  From the doorway he peered in to see several matronly looking women trying to feed their charges. In the corner, leaning against a wall, another was helping a little girl and boy with writing on chalkboards. At the far end of the room, partially hidden in an alcove with a curtain opened to let light in, he saw a crib being gently rocked. That had to be Kristina since she was the only baby, at present.

  What he couldn’t understand, how well behaved the children appeared. Where was the running around? The yelling? Even the spitting up of the food? There was none of that. Robert remembered, even at these tender ages, he was a hellion.

  Stepping back from the door, so his words wouldn’t be over heard he said to Kristina, “I know you’ve been up here. Is it always like this? Quiet?”

  “Yes, the women Mrs. Fairbairn hired have a way with the children. That and the little ones know to be respectful of baby Kristina when she’s sleeping. If they behave then they get a reward, usually in the garden to play.”

  “Do you know who they all belong to?”

  “The little girl having a snack and the older boy learning his letters are Hamish’s grandchildren. Their father is a footman whose mother died in childbirth. And before you ask, they had permission to marry. The others eating belong to three of the maids whose husbands went into the army to help support their families. While the older girl belongs to Seamus’ son whose wife is a maid. The others are children of maids who made the mistake of believing the man they loved had the same affections in return,” Kristina informed him.

  He knew letting them run around and play in the garden would help tire them but he had a better idea for behaving as they should. At some point, he would also talk to the women to see if any wished to go to England and look after their baby when it was born. Thinking that far ahead made their son, or daughter, even more of a reality.

  Turning back to the door he took in a deep breath, and stepped over the threshold. Much to his astonishment nothing changed, even the quick looks from the women before they returned to their respective duties.

  He felt totally ignored. Something which had never happened before. When he felt his wife’s hand on his back only then did the women give him a head bob.

  “Robert, gentlemen of your ilk never enter the nursery. This is a lady’s domain.”

  Chapter Six

  Robert smiled as Kristina glided into his office, then he frowned at what she was wearing. A simple blue dress.

  “I thought you were joining Glenn and I when we inspect the mine?”

  “I was going to but decided to help with moving Rose to the cottage. Then later, speak with Mrs. Fairbairn about the gathering to finalize a few details. Of course with the wedding starting everything off we might need to rearrange a few of the festivities.”

  “And to make sure Rose has a proper dress for the wedding.”

  “Yes, that also. If not, would you mind if I took her to the dress shop and had one created?”

  “Of course you may. It wouldn’t work to not have her in a new gown. Make sure the bill is sent to me,” Robert instructed Kristina.

  “I will. If you’ll excuse me I need to see if the carriage is ready to depart for the cottage.” she said.

  “Enjoy your afternoon and I’ll accompany you downstairs as it’s time for me to meet up with Glenn.”

  Rounding the desk, Robert marched up to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. With his other hand tilted her head up then lowered his lips to hers. Easily, he teased her mouth open then swept in, tasting of the fruit tart she’d had a short while ago. When he heard her moan of sensual pleasure he slid his hand up further, cupping her breast.

  Hearing footsteps approaching from down the hall, he reluctantly pulled away.

  “Later we’ll finish this where we won’t be interrupted,” he whispered in her ear.

  Her soft, sweet smile told him she was more than in agreement. Over her shoulder he saw Glenn step into the doorway then quickly back away.

  “I believe we just got caught, not that it matters as we’re very married and I own the castle,” he softly told her while laying a gentle hand on her stomach.

  “So true. I’d suggest we best be off to take care of what we have planned, especially you.”

  Robert took her by the hand and met a very red faced estate manager.

  “I do humbly apologize, m’ lord and lady…for the interruption,” Glenn sputtered.

  Robert peered down at the upturned face of Kristina who gave him a smile.


  “You gentlemen go ahead as I need to collect my bonnet and parasol.”

  At the stairs Robert watched as his lovely wife slowly made her way up, enjoying the gentle sway of her hips. Once she disappeared down the hall he turned back to his old friend.

  “Shall we be off as I’m sure Seamus will insist I saddle up my beast,” Robert declared.

  “That won’t be necessary. Once he learned you visited his grandson yesterday he decided you didn’t need to take care of your horse. Somehow though, I’m not sure how long that will last so tread carefully.”

  “I will, and thank you, but I still want to talk to him before we go,” he said.

  With that Robert strolled down the front steps and over to the stable where he met the stablemaster. After informing the man His Ladyship would need a carriage later for a trip into the village, and to make sure several grooms accompanied her, Robert went to collect his horse.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, what was that about?” Glenn asked.

  “I wanted to warn Seamus that Lady Kristina would need a coach later. And Keith should be one of the grooms assisting them.”

  “Ah, so the young man learns patience in dealing with a lady when it comes to buying clothes.”

  “Correct. Shall we be off?”

  A while later, having made better time than he’d anticipated Robert slowed Julius to a walk as the mining area came into view. From where they were Robert could see the workers gathered around looking at a bulky object on the ground. Getting closer, he realized they were staring at a body.

  Even before his mount came to a complete stop, Robert jumped down and marched up to the party. “What happened?” he demanded.

  One man stepped from the group with an air of authority. Robert turned to Glenn and raised a brow.

  “That’s John, he’s the head miner,” Glenn whispered.

  “M’ lord. I’m sorry to tell you this, but Stan has been murdered.”

  “How did it happen?” Robert snapped, almost immediately feeling disgusted with himself for being so harsh with the man.

  “Stan had taken the dirt and rock out to dump on the pile. When he didn’t return as he should have I went to see if something could be wrong. Finding him dead I called for the other workers to come out of the mine.”

  Pushing his way forward, the men surrounding the corpse separated. Robert saw the man’s throat had been cut from ear to ear. This looked very familiar. That had been the way his father and older brother had been murdered. Glancing to Glenn, Robert motioned for his friend to step back so they could talk privately.

  “Toby Underwood is back. We’ve got to return to the castle and make sure Kristina along with Rose are well protected,” Robert ordered.

  “I agree.”

  Robert turned back to the miners. “John, I know who killed your friend and he’s very dangerous. From now on always stay in pairs or small groups. Take Stan to the undertaker and have the bil
l sent to me,” he directed to the man.

  “Yes, m’ lord. I’ll do as you order.”

  Giving John a nod of thank you, Robert swung onto the saddle, not waiting for Glenn, tapped his heels against Julius’ sides sending the horse into a ground covering gallop. Hearing another set of hoof beats pounding behind and closing fast Robert knew Glenn had joined up with him. Looking to his right he watched his friend come up.

  “Follow me. We’ll take the main road as it’s the fastest back to the castle.” He heard his friend yell out. Robert answered with a nod.

  In minutes, Robert, now in the lead, dashed down the lane racing back to his wife. As they galloped along he prayed they’d get to the castle in time. Turning onto the drive leading up to the courtyard he looked ahead as the carriage started to pass under the arch.

  Bringing his horse to a halt he blocked the road so the coach couldn’t pass. When he saw Kristina poke her head out of the window Robert climbed down from Julius and marched over to her.

  “I’m sorry if I frightened you, but I’ve decided to join you and Rose on your excursion.”

  “If I may inquire, why the change?”

  Glancing past her he noticed Rose trying not to listen in on their conversation but with the small size of the coach he knew that would be next to impossible. From the questioning look he got from Kristina he would need to tell her what had happened at the mine, just not who he suspected killed the man.

  “I don’t wish to upset either of you, but one of the miners was murdered and the person responsible is nowhere to be found. Until he is, I’m going to have to insist on extra guards accompanying you. To that end, even with a footman along and Keith, I’ll join you,” he explained, hoping not to cause Rose to much panic.

  “Having you join us will be a pleasure, m’ lord,” Kristina declared.

  Robert could tell she wished to add a few more words. He suspected that would be not to frighten Rose who had already switched to the rear-facing squabs. He leaned in and looked to the young lady.