A Highland Romance (Markson Regency Mystery Book 5) Read online

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  “Please retake your seat beside Her Ladyship as I’m sure you both have a great deal to discuss. I’ll follow on Julius,” he directed.

  Turning back to Glenn, Robert waved the man forward.

  “Yes, m’ lord?”

  “While we’re gone I need you to make sure a watch is set around the castle extending into the garden and the cottage. I know who this person is, but with Rose now living there she needs to remain safe.”

  “Thank you, m’ lord. I feel better and more secure already.” He heard Rose say from the coach.

  “My pleasure, young lady. Shall we be off and see how much of my hard earned monies Her Ladyship will separate from my purse?” he teased, before taking up the reins of Julius.

  After swinging onto the saddle Robert nodded to the coachman to move off then joined Keith following the carriage. With a glance over to the groom he noticed the young man smile then, as best as he could, bow.

  “M’ lord, I know it’s inappropriate as we’re not married…”

  “Keith, I’d already decided to have you on the guard detail. Now, let me ask you this. How afraid of Cook are you?”

  “Meaning no disrespect, m’ lord, but she scares me more than you and Seamus together. I’ve not seen her angry but my Rose has told me several stories when a delivery of the fish turned out to be spoiled. From what I remember the monger never set foot on the grounds again, always sending his apprentice.”

  “Son, that’s wonderful to hear, I think. Cook will be staying with Rose starting tonight and until you wed. I would strongly recommend you behave as a young man would and do nothing to raise her ire.”

  “Trust me, m’ lord, I’ll do naught to soil Rose’s name or cause my love any distress.”

  Robert glanced ahead and noticed the edge of the village coming into view. He had an idea. If Rose was getting a dress to wear for the wedding, then why shouldn’t Keith have a new suit. He waited until the coach came to a halt then climbed down from Julius passing the reins to the young man.

  “Wait here and if little Jimmy, the miller’s son comes up, hand him my beast reins and yours. Don’t worry he can handle them.”

  Quickly, Robert rushed up to the carriage just as the footman opened the door. Giving him a nod, the man stepped back. Robert reached in assisting his wife then Rose out, which had her totally flustered. He suspected because it had never happened to her before.

  “Enjoy your shopping. We’ll be here when you’re finished,” Robert said then watched his wife link arms with Rose before sweeping into the dressmaker’s shop.

  Chapter Seven

  With Julius groomed and fresh hay in the corner Robert hung a bucket of water on the hook set for the purpose. Giving his beast a pat on the neck Robert stepped out of the stall, secured the latch and strolled out of the barn.

  Crossing the cobblestone courtyard to the castle, he glanced around. Glenn had made sure extra staff were out to protect everyone from any unwanted intruders. In particular, Toby Underwood.

  When Robert got close to the front steps, from his left he heard laughter mixed with squeals of excitement. Curious, he turned and headed in the direction of the sound. He then remembered what his wife had told him, if the children behaved the nannies let them play outside. This, to Robert’s way of thinking was more than simple playtime for them. Something was stirring them up. In a good way.

  At the lawn he looked to the garden, but didn’t see anyone. Then, coming from the area just in front of the veranda he heard his wife.

  “All right children, who wants to be first, but remember to go easy on the horse or he might buck you off.”

  Now he was past inquisitive since he knew all the horses were in the stable and the ponies hadn’t arrived yet. That wouldn’t be until tomorrow. Not to mention Seamus hadn’t said anything about riding lessons for the staff children. So, he wondered, what was she talking about.

  Coming around the final corner, he looked over to where Kristina stood, several small children around her jumping up and down in excitement. Robert still didn’t see the horse until he stepped closer.

  There, on the ground on his hands and knees was one of the larger footmen.

  “Fear not, m’ lady, I won’t hurt the tykes. I’ve got a little one at home.”

  Robert marched up to the group.

  “Good afternoon,” he announced.

  He wanted to chuckle when the boys attempted to bow and the little girls curtsey, with one of them starting to fall over in her effort. Quickly, he reached out and caught her, lifted her in his arms and smiled.

  “Thank you, m’ lord,” she sputtered.

  “You’re welcome,” Robert replied, before setting her down.

  “Yes, boys and girls, that’s how you can spot a hero. He’s always there,” Kristina stated.

  Robert could feel his face warm slightly at her words. For him he was only doing what came naturally, protect. Looking over to the footman, who was now standing it was easy to see why Kristina had recruited him to play the horse. The man was a mountain, even bigger than Glenn which Robert had thought to be impossible.

  “M’ lord, I hope this isn’t a problem? Helping to entertain the children. Hamish gave me permission and this is my time off.”

  “Angus, is it? You’re not in trouble, so set your mind at ease.”

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  “Now, I believe, before my interruption, you were going to give the children horseback rides. So, go ahead and I won’t get in the way,” Robert instructed the man.

  He then stepped over to Kristina and wrapped an arm around her waist. He wasn’t surprised at the look of confusion she gave him as he tended to withhold showing affection when others were around. Then again, was the rear of the castle all that public? To his way of thinking, not really even with the children and footman present. When Kristina settled her head against his chest he knew she approved of his action.

  Turning his attention back to Angus he watched as the man set one of the small boys on his back and told him to hang on. Robert couldn’t help but chuckle, along with the other children and Kristina, as the faux horse made his way around the yard. After several children Robert saw Angus was starting to tire.

  “I think our man-horse needs to take a break, don’t you?” Robert whispered.

  “You mean to tell me you’d shed your jacket, get down on all fours and give the remaining children rides on your back?” Kristina asked.

  “Yes, I would and will. Don’t forget, by this time next year I’ll be a father myself and now is a wonderful time to start practicing.”

  Without waiting for an answer Robert freed his arm from his wife, took his coat off and walked over to Angus.

  “Son, take a rest. It looks like you could use one.”

  “Thank you, m’ lord, but I’m still able to continue,” Angus replied.

  “I understand, but I need practice, not at riding, but being a father.”

  “If that’s the case then I will gladly step down. This will give me the opportunity to see if Cook has finished making lemonade for the children,” Angus said, bowed then stepped aside.

  Robert turned back to find the children once again surrounding Kristina. Even through all their chattering he was able to make out their astonishment that he was going to play ‘horsey’.

  “Yes, I am. Just because I’m the lord of the estate doesn’t mean I can’t play with you. Now, who’s next?”

  What he found interesting none of the girls yelled or screamed but politely held up their hand unlike earlier with Angus. Could it be because he held their parents’ employment in his hands? He glanced over to his wife and was about to shrug his shoulders when he saw the reason for the children’s behavior. The nannies were standing on the veranda. Now he understood.

  Selecting one of the girls, he gave her a ride then continued until the other three had had their turns. Turning the last over to Kristina he noticed the nannies had disappeared. Robert could only guess back inside as the children s
tarted to talk all at once. He wondered what the reason for their change from silent, and respectful, to being themselves could be?

  Could they be afraid of the nannies? If so, why? He saw Hamish and Angus step out onto the veranda, each carrying trays with glasses of lemonade and cookies.

  With Kristina’s help Robert shepherded the little ones up the stairs and to the table where the snacks were laid out.

  “Why don’t we leave them under the watchful eye and care of Angus along with Hamish and adjourn to the office. I need to speak with the housekeeper and I suspect you might have an idea about what?”

  Offering her his hand Robert led Kristina inside and up to his office.

  Once she was settled on her favorite settee he took a seat beside her.

  “I know we’ve discussed this before and you said there wasn’t a problem with the nannies but what happened a few minutes ago has me concerned,” he started.

  “If you’re talking about the children being boisterous with you and Angus then calming when the nannies appeared, yes, I noticed that also. The only thing I can think was that what you were doing was new for them. From the reports I’ve gotten from Hamish and Mrs. Fairbairn when they go out to play on the lawn or stroll about the garden, unsupervised I might add, the children are well behaved,” Kristina explained.

  Robert gave her a smile and started to lean over to her when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Giving a low growl, because he didn’t wish to see anyone, he straightened.


  He was surprised to see Glenn. Robert would have thought it would be Hamish inquiring if he and Kristina wished tea.

  “M’ lord and lady, please forgive the interruption.”

  “What is it and be quick?” Robert ordered.

  “Yes, m’ lord. Another person has been murdered in the same manner as the miner.”

  Hearing this frightening piece of news, Robert bolted up from the settee and stormed toward the sidebar, then stopped. Right now the last thing he needed was even the tiniest bit of fuzzy-headedness. Turning back to his wife he easily saw she had a panicked look in her eyes.

  “Do you wish something to help calm yourself?”

  “No, but thank you for asking. If you don’t mind, I’ll retire to my parlor and read so you men may talk more freely.”

  Robert stepped over and offered his hand to help Kristina stand then escorted her to the door.

  “I’m not sure how long we’ll be, but I’ll come for you when we’re finished,” he told her in a low voice, earning a pat on his arm.

  He propped a shoulder against the frame and watched her glide down the corridor. One thing, amongst many about her, he’d never tire of the gentle sway of her hips when she moved.


  Hearing Glenn calling him that, brought Robert out of his lustful thoughts for his wife and back to the business at hand.

  “What can you tell me about this murder?”

  “This time the man made a mistake. Someone saw him. I talked with the witness, who also happens to be my oldest son so we know what he tells us will be accurate.”

  Before Glenn finished speaking, Robert was ringing for Hamish. Almost immediately the man was in the doorway.

  “Have Seamus harness a cart and two horses saddled. Have them out front in ten minutes. We’re going to be having guests staying with us for a few days,” he ordered, then turned to Glenn.

  “Yes, m’ lord,” Hamish announced.

  “I’ll not accept no for an answer. We know Toby is dangerous and kills without remorse. Robbie or any of your family could be next and he’d murder for revenge. You’re coming with me to collect them. Let me inform my wife and she’ll need to work with Mrs. Fairbairn to arrange rooms for everyone. As for the little ones they can join the others in the nursery.” Robert told him.

  “Yes, m’ lord, I shan’t argue with you, however my wife might. I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  After telling Kristina what had happened Robert went to join Glenn.

  Chapter Eight

  With Mrs. Fairbairn informed of the unexpected guests, Kristina retired once again to her parlor. Settled on the settee she curled her feet up under a soft brown quilt and picked up a romantic mystery she’d brought from England. Opening to where she’d left off, she started reading. So involved in the book she didn’t hear anyone approaching her room until a knock on the doorframe caught her attention. Turning to the sound she saw her husband leaning against the wall just inside the room.

  “My dear, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so absorbed in a story before. It must be very interesting to hold your attention even when I came down the corridor then coughed to announce my presence.”

  “Thank you, I think. All I can say, when we return south I’m going to have to hunt down more by this author.” She moved her legs and patted the cushion beside her and waited until Robert took a seat. “How did everything go? Are Glenn’s family all here so they can remain safe from Underwood?”

  “Yes. However, it took a great deal of convincing Becky to move at least for the time being. The two little ones, Sue and her brother, Mike, were all excited to see where their ‘da’ worked. Finally, though, Glenn persuaded his wife but she did set a few conditions.”

  Kristina didn’t have to ask what Becky’s desires were. For the children to take their meals in the nursery while Robbie, Glenn and she ate in the staff dining room. Silently, she agreed but Kristina felt she should express her feelings on the subject.

  “Robert, from your expression, dejected, at not having Becky and Glenn join us for at least luncheon do you think I could have a talk with her in the hopes of changing her mind. As for Robbie I’m sure he’ll find a maid who strikes his fancy and will wish to spend a little time with her.”

  Leaning back against the armrest Kristina studied his face for any hint to what his reply might be. When she saw him smile she knew he was in agreement with the suggestion.

  “Good, then in the morning, as it’s getting close to the time we need to change for dinner, I’ll have a talk with Becky.”

  “Yes, and as for Robbie, if I’m not mistaken when we were unloading the wagon his attention was diverted by Julie, one of the maids. You’ll have to bring that to the attention of Mrs. Fairbairn also. I’ll speak with Glenn to make sure his son behaves,” Robert said.

  “I agree and if something develops between them we’ll need to set rules for whenever they are in each other’s company. Of course, that will be a chaperone. My only other question, what about the animals at Glenn’s farm?”

  “Robbie, along with Keith and another groom, will go over several times a day to make sure they’re looked after. Now, shall we adjourn to our suites, bathe and dress for dinner?”

  As she let him escort her upstairs she decided to look in on the children, except one. Rose’s baby who would be at the cottage but who was keeping them safe. Kristina knew Keith had accompanied Robert to bring Glenn’s family here leaving her unprotected. Coming to a stop, which surprised Robert she looked up.

  “Robert, if Keith helped with the moving who was protecting Rose from Underwood?”

  “I did, m’ lady,” Mrs. Fairbairn announced.

  Turning she waited until the housekeeper came up to her and Robert.

  “I don’t understand?” Kristina said.

  “M’ lady, when you informed me Glenn’s family would be staying here I sent a footman and maid to collect Rose and the baby. If I’m not mistaken they’re in the nursery since this is Rose’s afternoon off and Cook forbids her to be in the kitchen except to eat.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Fairbairn. I’ll go look in on them along with Sue and Mike to see how they’re adjusting.”

  As Kristina started for the stairs leading to the third floor she heard Robert following. She stopped with her foot on the bottom tread and peered over her shoulder.

  “No, you’d best not come with me. Rose could be feeding her baby and your presence wouldn’t be appropriate,�
�� she directed.

  Accepting a nod, Kristina made her way up and into the nursery. Much to her astonishment all the children were sitting at tables calmly eating their supper. Not wishing to disturb them she glanced to the alcove and saw Rose doing exactly what she expected, suckling her baby.

  Quietly, she retreated down the stairs to find Robert nowhere in sight. She suspected he’d retired to their suite to prepare for dinner, after which she’d play the pianoforte. Sweeping down the corridor to her room she stepped in to be met by Amanda.

  “M’ lady, as you’d not mentioned which evening gown you wished I selected the pastel green. I do hope you approve.”

  “That will be fine. For my hair, let’s do something simple.”

  “Yes, but with a yellow rose as an accent. Now, let me get you out of your dress so you can bathe.”

  An hour later she stepped out from her suite. Across the hall stood, or more precisely relaxed against the opposite wall, was her husband. An emerald necklace dangled from his hand.

  “It’s been a while since I bestowed a piece of jewelry on you,” he declared, stepping up.

  “Would you be so kind?” she said, turning to allow him to easily fasten it around her throat.

  Once the necklace was secured, Kristina gently touched the gift, loving how the feel of the smoothness of the stones and settings caressed her skin. She had a strong desire to return to her suite and gaze upon the present in the mirror. Using all her willpower she forced herself not to. Instead she turned back to Robert bestowing a sweet smile on him. Glancing up and down the hall she was happy they were alone with no staff within earshot.

  “And how, my dearest husband, may I express my thanks for such a lovely gift?”

  “Given a few moments of thought, I’m sure I can think of several ways,” he teased, offering his arm.

  She comprehended exactly what he had in mind and was in agreement with his unspoken suggestion. So much for her plan of playing the pianoforte later as he would need to be thanked and well. Sliding her delicately gloved hand in his Kristina let him guide her down to the parlor.