The Hunt Ends (Markson Regency Mystery Book 6) Page 5
“M’ lady, all I will need are a few of my dresses but all of Miss Markson’s clothing as you are aware she goes through many changes a day. Will we have guards as now?” Mrs. Campbell inquired.
“No, young lady as that will alert Estelle His and Her Ladyship have moved. The guards will be outside the viscount’s door as now. Hopefully this disruption will only be for a few days,” William uttered, still holding his godchild.
“Thank you, Your Grace. If you’ll excuse me, I need to start collecting everything. I should be ready to have a footman or two in about an hour. Would you like me to take Miss Markson with me?”
A tiny giggle caught Robert’s attention. Looking over to the duke, Robert understood. His daughter was tugging the duke’s lower lip. He decided, as long as she was happy then let her stay.
“No, as she seems entertained by His Grace she can remain here for a little longer,” Robert said.
“Yes, m’ lord.”
Robert dismissed Mrs. Campbell then looked over to Kristina who was trying to hold back a titter herself at Jolene’s antics. Even the duchess appeared to be having a good time at the expense of her husband.
“Darling, besides holding and playing with our daughter what other activities can she do?”
“Since she’s either held or wrapped in a blanket she doesn’t get much of a chance to exercise her arms or legs. If we put several quilts down, piled on top of each other, she can try to move her arms and legs a little,” Sylvia announced from the doorway.
“Mother, where have you been? We haven’t seen you since luncheon.”
Robert stepped up to the countess and escorted her to the settee. When she was settled he retook his seat, next to Kristina.
“I’m sorry, dear, I had several letters which came in the morning post which needed answering but, I’m here now and what I see is highly thought-provoking . The Duke of Clarion holding my granddaughter.”
“Sylvia that nothing. Jolene needed to be cleaned up and your marvelous daughter had Robert take care of her, with William assisting. As you can see, none are the worst for wear,” the duchess added.
“That I would have loved to witness,” Sylvia said.
With the quilts spread out and the little one set in the middle Robert studied his daughter as she moved her arms and legs. He then realized there was one thing missing from what he was watching. How would Kristina like the idea and where would they find the proper one? What he did know, the one chosen had to have the protective instinct. Robert saw his wife was happy, most likely at their daughter’s antics.
“My dear, do you know what we, or rather Jolene needs?”
“She needs a dog. After all, what better way to protect her?” Robert stated.
“If I may, I believe the best breed would be a collie. We’ve had them for years and besides handling sheep they helped look after Marcus, Kathrine and Brendon,” William recommended.
“And we have one. He is about nine months old, therefore house trained,” the duchess said.
“How is he with babies?” Kristina asked.
“His name is Beau and gets along quite well with little ones. Our shepherd selects the right puppies and when they are nearly five months old he sends them to one of the tenants who has a baby. There the dogs learn how to protect the child without hurting them. Then when one of our friends has an infant we give the parents the well-trained dog. I’m surprised you never heard about this,” William explained.
“Husband, why didn’t we think to bring him with us. Now you’ll have to send for him,” Jolene stated.
“On that you are correct. Robert might I borrow a groom, well mounted. Then by this time tomorrow we will have him here,” William requested.
Ringing for the butler Robert waited for him to appear while the duke wrote the note and handed the post over.
“M’ lord?”
“Have Seth select the best groom and mount to take this to the Duke of Clarion’s estate. He’s to wait and return with a certain collie.”
“Certainly, m’ lord. Is the dog to protect Miss Markson and then later for her to play with?”
“Yes. Once the note is on its way return as I’ve another directive for you.”
Robert dismissed the man then turned to his wife who’d picked up Jolene.
“She’s not only getting hungry, but tired. If you’ll excuse me, I need to take care of her. Shall we meet in the parlor a little before seven and before you panic, Robert, I’ll be in the sitting room we’ll be using for her temporary nursery.”
Standing, Robert helped his wife up then watched her glide from the room.
“If you’ll excuse us, we plan to rest in our new suite, then dress for dinner,” William said.
Sylvia followed the duke and duchess out, leaving Robert to his thoughts, which were two-fold. Hunt down Estelle and learn to be a better father.
The first was an ongoing task, but for the other, he suspected there was one person within the mansion who might help. His wife.
Stepping into the parlor, he was in time to see Kristina finish buttoning her dress and handing Jolene over to Mrs. Campbell. He waited while the nanny took care of their daughter then dismissed the woman leaving Jolene in his arms.
“My dear, how can I be a better father?”
“Be yourself.”
Late in the afternoon of the next day everyone was relaxing in the viscountess parlor. On several stacked blankets baby Jolene kicked out with her tiny legs. What made the scene even more interesting, she thought, Robert and William were lying on either side of the infant.
“Ladies, which of our gentlemen is being the silliest?” Kristina inquired.
“That, my daughter, is rather hard to decide. William is doing an excellent impersonation of a jester while Robert has the fool down quite well,” Sylvia teased.
“True, but my husband does seem to make my namesake make more noise,” Jolene answered back.
“You are aware we can hear you,” Robert declared.
“Of course, but as I hear someone coming you both might wish to act as peers of the realm and rejoin us,” Kristina announced.
No sooner had Robert taken the seat beside his wife when Sydney appeared in the doorway.
“Your Graces, m’ lord and ladies, you have a visitor. You are now the possessors of a nine-month old collie.”
As much as Kristina wanted to jump up and rush over to see the dog she focused on William for direction.
“Sydney, when I say so let Beau in then stand back. We need to sit quietly and let him sniff each of us. That way he’ll learn who belongs here. Don’t be surprised if he licks Jolene.”
“Are we allowed to pet him?” Kristina said.
“Yes. He likes to be scratched behind the ears. Sydney, you may bring Beau in now,” William directed.
“Yes, Your Grace.”
Kristina watched as the most adorable puppy she’d ever seen bounced into the parlor, looked at her, then surveyed the room. Kristina waited as he came over to her then to each of the others whom he all sniffed. What Beau did next made Kristina want to giggle, but she decided the sound might scare the dog. She next watched him walk over to the baby Jolene, give her a lick on the face.
Amazed at how well-behaved Beau was, Kristina picked up Jolene then retook her seat. She wasn’t surprised the dog followed and laid down at her feet. After a few minutes of holding the baby, she passed Jolene over to Robert then waited for Beau to position himself next to her husband. Kristina glanced to William.
“I’m guessing this is normal?”
“Yes. The only time he will leave my goddaughter’s side is when he eats and has to go outside. The next person he needs to meet is Mrs. Campbell as she helps look after Jolene most of the time,” the duke explained.
At the door Kristina instructed Sydney to bring the nanny in.
“Should Beau be introduced to the rest of the staff?” Robert queried.
On that you are correct. Over the next few days have him meet everyone and leave no one out. Remember, his job is to protect Jolene so he has to learn who belongs in the mansion. That way, if someone comes in who doesn’t belong he’ll strengthen his defense.”
“Let me hazard, he’ll growl, snap and bark at the intruder,” Sylvia said.
“Yes, but not leave baby Jolene’s side. This will make her awaken and start screaming,” the duchess explained.
“Your Graces, m’ lord and ladies.”
“Mrs. Campbell, please come in and have a seat so Beau can get to know you,” Kristina directed.
Once the woman was seated, Beau lifted his head, and walked over. Giving the nanny a sniff the dog licked the woman’s hand then returned to Robert, as he was holding the baby.
“As you can see, wherever Jolene is so is Beau,” William said.
“Your Grace, having grown up with several dogs in my parents’ house I’m used to that. For me having him around will be a pleasure,” Mrs. Campbell explained.
“As time is getting on why don’t you take Jolene back to the sitting room so we can dress for dinner,” Kristina said.
“Yes, m’ lady. One question first. Do I need to call him or will Beau follow me without direction?”
“Lord Robert hand Miss Markson over to Mrs. Campbell and she will get the answer to her question,” William said.
This had been something Kristina had wondered also so she watched as the nanny accepted her daughter then started to leave.
“Mrs. Campbell, please stop,” William ordered.
When the woman did as directed, Kristina waited for Beau sit.
“Thank you. You may continue to the nursery.”
“Yes, Your Grace. Now I understand,” the nanny said.
“Robert, after dinner we need to have Beau meet the footmen who are guarding our old suites on the off chance something happens. Don’t you agree?”
“My dear, if you’re too tired then I will handle that task,” Robert offered.
“And I’ll go along to help allay any fears or answer any questions they’ll have,” William added.
“Robert, thinking more about my daughter’s suggestion if you can handle that particular duty then we ladies can discuss the upcoming days,” Sylvia said.
“We won’t, I promise discuss how to bring Estelle down,” Kristina stated, knowing fully well that would be one of the topics discussed.
Kristina led the duchess and her mother back to her parlor while Robert, with William, collected Jolene and Beau. Taking a seat on her favorite settee she waited while the other two ladies got comfortable. Earlier, while having her hair set by Amanda she’d thought of several questions.
“As it has been a little over a week since Jolene was born, when can she be taken outside for fresh air?”
“Kristina, as you have Beau to help guard my namesake then I see no reason we can’t enjoy luncheon on the veranda tomorrow,” the duchess said.
“If we have Jolene on quilts I’m sure her new guardian won’t let anything happen to her. Also, having the gardeners and grooms out to keep a watch we should be safe,” Sylvia added.
“Then let’s plan on doing that, weather permitting of course. My next question, all of the staff along with the tenants and villagers wish to see her, when could Robert and I present her to them?”
“I’d recommend waiting at least another week or so. This way she will be stronger and more active which they will wish to see. Also, don’t let anyone get to close as they might be sick,” Jolene uttered.
In the distance the sound of barking alerted Kristina along with the two ladies that something was amiss. Before she could do or say anything, Robert, carrying their child, along with William, rushed into the room. Beau was bringing up the rear with his hackles raised.
“What happened?” Kristina asked.
“Seems Beau didn’t like one of the footman. I’m having Sydney talk with the man to find out what the problem is. He’s been with the family for years so I doubt Estelle has been able to convince him to betray us.”
“Or the man could simply not get along with the dog. I’ve seen this happen before. If that is the case, Robert I’d suggest you keep him in his current position unless he wishes not to stay,” William stated.
“Excuse this interruption, Your Graces, m’ lord and ladies, but that’s exactly the problem. When Tony was a small child he was attacked by a dog and since then has had a fear of them. He is willing to relinquish his position as head footman for the family wing if you so desire, m’ lord,” the butler explained.
“Your Grace, in your experience do you believe he can overcome his fear of Beau?” Robert asked.
“With time, yes.”
Now this was a dilemma Kristina hadn’t thought about. Should she recommend the man be demoted or let him stay in his current position? From what she knew of Tony, the man for the most part was fearless. To her that was important and mayhap over time would come to accept Beau.
“Step outside and have Tony report to us but wait in the corridor until you both are called for,” Kristina told him.
“Yes, m’ lady. We’ll wait at the end of the hall,” the butler stated then marched out.
“As you have more experience than we, what is your recommendation?” Kristina asked.
“Simply put, keep him in his current position. As my wife and I will be here for at least a week, if not more, I can work with Tony to overcome his fear of dogs,” William stated.
“Then so be it. Robert please invite Sydney and Tony in,” Kristina directed.
“After discussing the problem with His and Her Grace we’ve decided you will remain in your current position. Over the next days, Miss Markson along with Beau and His Grace will help you overcome your fear of dogs.”
“Thank you, Your Grace, m’ lord and lady. I shan’t fail you,” Tony stated.
“We know you won’t. You may return to your duties,” Kristina announced, dismissing him and Sydney.
“Then, as I’m sure my little darling is about to wake, screaming for me to feed her shall we adjourn and meet in the morning as tomorrow will be an interesting and fun day for all.”
After taking care of baby Jolene and giving Beau a pat on the head and a scratch behind his ears, Kristina retreated to their shared suite. With the assistance of Amanda, she had her hair let down and into a gentle braid and changed into a nightrail. Climbing into the bed, with her husband, for the first time since Jolene was born, she pushed Robert away.
“I’m sorry, dear husband, but we can’t join for another several weeks, according to my mother.”
“But I can hold you in my arms, right?”
“Most certainly. Trust me, soon enough we will create a son to carry on the name and title.”
“My dear, I look forward to that time. Now, shall we sleep?”
Robert looked up from the post he’d received from his estate manager, Glenn, in Scotland. William was reviewing a letter from Lady Katherine.
“Seems Viscount Toby Underwood is going to be a grandfather again. Not to mention Robbie is going to be a birth father for the first time. Glenn writes that he’s not sure who is more nervous, himself or Toby, at the prospects.”
“Yes, but don’t forget Glenn has two little ones,” Robert said.
“But, having your own and being a grandfather are two different things entirely while bringing in new emotions. And speaking of grandfathers do you think Eustace will arrive before luncheon?”
“I do as I hear his carriage rolling into the courtyard now.” Robert announced as the butler came to the door.
“Your Grace, m’ lord, what can I do for you?”
“As the Earl of Crossington has arrived, do you know where the ladies might be?”
“They with Miss Markson are in the viscountess parlor.”
“Please ask them to join us here. Then once the earl is settled inform him we await his pleasure,” Robert instructed.
/> “Yes, m’ lord.”
Peering over to the duke, Robert noticed a raised brow. He suspected because of where the earl would meet his granddaughter.
“Simply put, there is more room here than Kristina’s sitting room.”
Robert stood upon hearing the ladies coming down the hall. He wondered which of them would be carrying Jolene. That question was quickly answered as they, with Beau, swept into the office with his daughter in her namesake’s arms.
“I’m guessing father has finally arrived?” Kristina stated.
“Yes, my dear,” Robert said then guided her to her favorite settee while William did the same with the duchess and baby Jolene.
Once everyone was seated William gave his attention to Sylvia. “How is your husband with dogs?”
“Quite well. We have several that he uses for hunting and as such they stay in a kennel. Although he might be taken aback on seeing Beau inside the mansion.”
“Then Mother he will have to get used to that fact,” Kristina declared.
A low growl coming from Beau at the duchess’ feet set Robert on alert.
“Eustace, please calmly walk in, but not to your granddaughter. Take a seat then Beau will come over to sniff you. Then you may hold Jolene,” Robert directed.
He waited until Eustace was seated then watched Beau stand, stretch and walk over. After giving the earl a few sniffs, he returned to the duchess and laid down.
“Now, am I allowed to hold my granddaughter?”
“You are, but be prepared for Beau to follow at your side as that’s how he’s been trained. He is Jolene’s protector and won’t leave her side for any reason. As you heard on walking in he takes his job seriously,” William explained.
Robert watched as the duchess handed the baby to Eustace and Beau got comfortable at the earl’s feet.”
“So, if I understand, if I walk around the office and stay within in his view he’d still be with us?”