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The Hunt Ends (Markson Regency Mystery Book 6) Page 6

  “Yes. The only time he leaves her side is to eat and go outside.


  Shall we adjourn to the veranda and enjoy our noon meal,” Kristina asked.

  “What about the baby? Surely she is too young to go outside,” Eustace said.

  “Actually, no. Being out in the fresh air will be good for her.” Robert paused. “William, can you help in carrying several of the quilts?”

  “What?” the earl declared.

  “Yes, she’ll lie on the blankets with Beau at her side. This is the first time she’s been outside so seeing how she responds to the sights, smells and sounds should be interesting and in doing so is perfectly safe,” Kristina explained.

  “Then daughter, as I’m only comfortable having her in my arms while seated, would you be so kind as to take her?” Eustace requested.

  With baby Jolene in her mother’s arms and Beau at their side, Robert and William collected several of the quilts and led the party down and out to the veranda.

  “Let’s set them over here,” Robert suggested, pointing to an area near the table where luncheon had been set.

  “I agree,” the duke replied.

  Once the blankets were spread out, Kristina laid Jolene down and Beau immediately joined his charge. His daughter then grabbed a tiny fist full of the collie’s hair, which didn’t seem to bother him. He seated his wife close so that she was able to keep an eye on their daughter. Once the platters were passed he dismissed the staff.

  “Robert, what has been done to hunt down Estelle?” Eustace inquired.

  “We’ve alerted the tenants to be on the lookout for strangers. As of this morning nothing unusual has been reported,” the viscount stated.

  “When she was after the duke, she’d dressed as a man so I did two drawings, one as a woman and the other as a man. These were shown to the shop owners along with the tavern keeper with no one having seen the woman,” Kristina added.

  “Jolene and I even went through the village inquiring about new visitors to the area. There were several, but we were able to rule them out as either too young, too old or too fat,” William continued.

  “The only places we’ve not looked into are the abandoned buildings in the district. We wanted to wait for you to arrive to aid in the search,” Robert said.

  “On that I’m sorry for taking so long, but I needed to stop in London to get a few of my men involved in the hunt. Fear not, they won’t be anywhere near here but further out. Robert, when did you wish to start the search?”

  “Now, with you here we can start tomorrow. Between the three of us, with grooms as guards, we should be able to investigate all of them in two days.”

  Later, with lunch finished Kristina took the baby back to the nursery while Robert along with the other gentlemen retired to his office. The ladies, he suspected would rest either in their suites or the viscountess parlor.

  After finding the three maps which covered the entire district, Robert spread the first one out on a large mahogany table. With William and Eustace at his side they hunted out possible hiding places for Estelle.

  With no success on that one Robert laid out the other two. Again failure.

  Robert could easily tell William and Eustace were as frustrated by their slumped shoulders. He looked over to the duke.

  “Earlier, you told us that there were a few visitors but they didn’t seem to match even a made-up and changed Estelle. Gentlemen, let me postulate this, what if she completely changed her appearance.”

  “But, to what end?” William said.

  “So she could hide in plain sight. That is, if she’s still in the area. As there are no places for her to hide not to mention no reports of someone being killed she could have also left aware we would continue to hunt her down,” Robert explained.

  “Do you really believe that, dearest husband?” Kristina asked as she, Jolene and Sylvia entered the office.

  “No, I don’t. Might I suggest after luncheon William, you, Eustace and I ride boldly into the village. For this, ladies, I’m choosing not to include you. For that I pray you forgive me,” Robert pleaded.

  It made him happy when all three voiced their approval to have only the men venture into town.

  “You will have several grooms along as guards?” Kristina ordered, then added. “Don’t forget we’ve a baby to raise and I shan’t wish to undertake that task alone.”

  “We will. William, I’m sure this could be a delicate topic but, what do you remember of the mother. Mayhap, did she ever tromp the boards? If so could she have passed on some of that talent to Estelle, as we know, the most astute in wearing a disguise?” Robert inquired.

  Silence filled the room as William thought over his question. Then…

  “That was how we first met, at the theater. She’d been one of several actresses’ myself and the others with me on our Grand Tour were interested in. So, to answer your questions, it is highly possible Estelle could have learned that particular talent.”

  “Then gentlemen, I’d recommend you be off. I would suggest on your return to ride over to the ruins as the artists, of which she could be one, will be wishing to attempt to capture the afternoon light. From what I remember this is the most dramatic time of day,” Kristina directed.

  “We shouldn’t be more than two hours, my dear.”

  Taking Robert by the hand Kristina said her good byes at the front door then with Sylvia and Jolene retired to the viscountess parlor. There to hopefully hear the men had found the woman.


  The next afternoon Kristina waited for her husband to join her and the other ladies in her parlor. That morning Robert had led the duke and her father out to continue to search for Estelle. This time they went to the neighboring village in the off-chance she was there. Hearing him talking with her father she held her breath until he stood in the doorway, then let it out.

  She watched as he made his way in. He taken the seat beside her when she saw Sydney at the door.

  “What happened?” Kristina asked.

  “One of the maids, Jean, went home to have dinner, but found both her parents had been killed. She immediately raced back here and told Mrs. Swanson who just informed me.”

  “Sydney, where is the poor girl?” Sylvia demanded.

  “M’ lady, she’s in the kitchen with Cook and the housekeeper. They are trying to console her.”

  With this horrific piece of news Kristina decided she’d not accompany her husband when he went to the village. For her and baby Jolene the trip would be too risky and she hoped Robert would reconsider. But, right now she had another problem she needed to deal with.

  “Mother, if you’ll excuse me I must look to Jean.”

  “Do you wish I stay with them?” Sylvia said.

  “That might be for the best.” Kristina replied, then turned to the butler. “Have a footman report to Her Ladyship and tell him he’s to remain in the temporary nursery until further orders.”

  “Yes, m’ lady, and I know the perfect man for the job.”

  With a wave of her hand Kristina dismissed the man then handed Jolene over to her mother. To this point none of the gentlemen had said a word. She saw that Robert was frowning, not at her, but over the report of the deaths. Kristina then turned her attention to her father and William and they both had the same expression.

  “Kristina, considering the look on the butler’s face when he came to the door I suspected the problem involved a maid. As such, the task should have fallen upon your shoulders,” Robert explained.

  “Thank you and, on that, if you’ll excuse me I’ve a distraught girl in need of my comforting.”

  With that Kristina left the office with her mother, carrying Jolene.

  “Once the young girl is calmed I’m going to arrange for a cell in the attic for her. I don’t want her returning to the cottage until Estelle is caught.”

  “That is an excellent suggestion.”

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  As Kris
tina walked into the kitchen she found Jean in the staff dining area. She waved the three back onto their chairs then took one beside the maid and wrapped an arm around the poor girl’s shoulders.

  “Go ahead and have a good cry, my dear. While you do, just listen. I want you to take the next few days off, with your salary intact.” Kristina glanced over to Mrs. Swanson. “Is there a room where she can stay?”

  “Yes, m’ lady we have several. I’ll have one of the maids make sure the room is clean and fresh linens on the bed,” the housekeeper replied.

  The girl was starting to compose herself. Handing her a small towel, Kristina waited while Jean wiped the tears from her cheeks and blew her nose.

  “Now, let’s get you another cup of tea and, as you’ve missed dinner, something light to eat.” Kristina requested.

  “I’ve got some soup along with fresh bread.” Cook said. “I’ll get the meal along with tea.”

  Kristina dismissed Cook then to Jean said, “My dear, after you eat I want you to rest.”

  “I will, m’ lady, but what about my parents?”

  “His Lordship will take care of everything, so put your mind at ease on that. Now as your food is here I’ll leave you in peace.” Kristina left the kitchen.

  Making her way to the second floor, she wished to look in on Jolene and feed her. Walking in the former sitting room she was happy to see Jolene napping in her usual way, holding onto a fist full of Beau’s fur.

  “How long has she been sleeping?”

  “About ten minutes,” Sylvia answered in a low voice.

  “You can return to your duties, Toby,” Kristina told the man.

  “Yes, m’ lady.”

  “I’ll be either in His Lordship’s office or my parlor when Jolene awakes. She will probably be hungry,” Kristina said to the nanny.

  “Very good, m’ lady.”

  Kristina linked an arm with her mother and set out to find the others.

  “How is the maid doing?” Sylvia asked.

  “As well as can be expected on walking in to find her parents murdered. She has agreed to stay here for a few days. Hopefully she’ll eat and feel calmer.”

  “Darling, I congratulate you on how you handled the situation. Not once did you panic or seek advice from either myself or Jolene. You truly have grown into a great lady who will very soon be one of the grand dames of the ton.”

  “Thank you, mother, for your kind words. I’m only doing what I’ve learned from you and what I believe is right. As for the ton, I’ll need to discuss visiting London with Robert. You see, we are very happy here and enjoy the quiet of the country.”

  “My dear, I understand completely of your desire to remain here. But, you should remember there are many who would love to see Jolene and can’t, for one reason or another, travel.”

  She realized Ethan would like to see his niece. As Robert was no longer working for the Crown, thanks to William, Kristina might allow her brother to visit with Katherine. Again, that would be something to talk over with her husband. Outside of the office she heard Robert discussing ways to find Estelle. With Sylvia beside her, Kristina barged in, taking a seat with Robert on the settee.

  “I do hope not one of those plans includes you going, alone, into the village?”

  “On that you are correct. Now, with these murders doing something like that would be too dangerous. As for Jean’s parents I had Seth send a cart with several well-armed grooms to collect the bodies and take them to the funeral home. Tomorrow, please have Mrs. Swanson send several maids under the guard of footmen go to the cottage so they may clean the blood up. We can’t have the girl returning there then have to do that task.”

  “Thank you on all counts. As for Jean, I made her have food then rest for the next few days.”

  “That’s very thoughtful of you Kristina,” the duchess stated.

  “Robert was there any evidence Estelle was around the cottage? Not only that, why would she choose the Smith’s?” Sylvia said.

  “From what Seth passed along she might have left the area. As to why this particular family, I’ve no idea except to announce to show us that no one is safe from her. I did send a note to Kris to have him and his men keep a hidden watch over the cottage,” Robert explained.

  “Thank you, now we need to remove ourselves from here as it is getting close to the time to dress for dinner. Robert, with all that’s happened will you be able to join us?” Kristina said.

  “Yes, at least try.”

  All in agreement, she and Robert led the group up and to their suites. She was about to step into theirs when she heard Jolene crying.

  “I had best see to our daughter. Go ahead, bathe, have the bandage changed then dress. As for a jacket only if you can get into one easily. If not, we will understand.”

  After giving him a brief kiss on the cheek Kristina slipped into the sitting room, now nursery, to see Mrs. Campbell picking up the very unhappy baby.

  “From the sound I’m guessing Jolene is hungry?”

  “Yes, m’ lady. She woke a few minutes ago and started in demanding to be fed. I was just about to send for you.”

  A short while later Kristina swept into the shared suite in time to see Robert have Evan help him into a jacket.

  “I appreciate the consideration. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Evan and I will depart so you may make yourself ready for the evening.”

  As her husband and valet left, Amanda entered carrying several roses in her hand. Kristina suspected her maid would be doing something dramatic with her hair this eve.

  “Your bath water will be here shortly. I took the liberty to iron out the wrinkles in the yellow evening gown.”

  “With matching colored roses for my hair. Excellent and I do appreciate the thought for the dress.”

  Forty minutes later, with a final glance in the mirror, Kristina stepped from the suite and went down to her parlor. She noticed Robert was the only one who’d arrived which had her puzzled.

  “Where are the duke, duchess and my parents? I would have thought they would be here?”

  “We are. The ladies decided to look in on the little one and of course Jolene had to hold her for a minute,” William declared.

  “She then proceeded to spit up on me, thus the reason for not wearing my jacket, which I seem to be alone in that,” Eustace teased.

  “First off, please take seats as we’ve time to relax before the dinner bell. Then, Jolene please tell me that you didn’t bounce your goddaughter and namesake.” Kristina uttered.

  “I did, which got her making gurgling sounds—music to my ears so I couldn’t stop.”

  “Until Mount Vesuvius erupted,” Eustace added.

  “However, we have bigger problems. Such as finding Estelle and putting her away or down for good. From what I remember of her last year she won’t stop until either she’s accomplished what she’s here for or is dead,” Robert announced.

  “Then, as I hear the dinner gong shall we eat then return to your office Robert to continue discussing how to get her?” Kristina said.

  With the evening meal finished, it was the duchess who came up with a different suggestion to pass the time. On her husband’s arm they led the others into the music room and Jolene went directly to the pianoforte.

  “As we need to get our minds relaxed, I will start the entertainment by playing a waltz, with one codicil. Robert and Kristina are to take the floor for the first three measures.”

  Easily, Kristina let herself be settled in Robert’s arms. She let the music swell around her carrying her to a simpler time, when she led an uncomplicated life. A young lady who was shunned by most of the gentlemen, rakes and rogues because of her stammer. Then there was her proclivity of stepping on her dance partner’s toes. That was, until Lady Donna, Robert’s older sister, introduced him to her.

  Who had fallen in love with whom first, she didn’t know then nor now. All that mattered, over the past three years they’d lived life to the fullest. Hunting down murderers, spies
and traitors. Even when Ethan stepped in at the last minute to help point the finger at the true villain, as happened when saving Lady Donna from Bow Street hadn’t diminished her feelings for Robert.

  Then there was their first trip to Scotland and the disaster at the castle had been discouraging. Once the tenants, with the great assistance of Glenn, were taken care of and they returned to England. Had that been a mistake? No. Not that she loved her brother all that greatly, but to save him from prison, transportation or hanging at the worst she’d been happy to prove him innocent of the murder.

  Part of which had brought them to this point in their life. One had died while the other, Estelle, had lived. Both women had been the product of the Duke of Clarion’s visits to the continent during and after his grand tour. Kristina stopped in midstride through a turn and looked up to her husband then over to William.

  “Your Grace, these attempts on His Lordship aren’t about him, but you. Estelle wants you here. For what reason I’ve no idea, but she now holds you responsible for her sister’s death.”

  “And her mother’s much earlier,” Robert declared as a window shattered.


  Robert grabbed Kristina around the waist and with the others rushed from the music room, back into the main portion of the mansion as Sydney along with several footmen raced up. Looking to see if William, Eustace and the women were safe, he stopped.

  “Is anyone hurt?”

  “No, m’ lord. Seems the shot went high as I saw several pieces of the chandelier fall to the floor,” William stated.

  Why? Robert then realized the shot had been part of Estelle’s ruse so the staff would come running to him.

  “M’ lord, I’ve already sent footmen out to hunt down where the shot came from. However, with the darkness that will be difficult,” the butler announced.

  He realized what the mad woman’s plan was. Robert turned to Sydney.

  “Estelle is going to use this confusion to sneak in. That’s why she killed Jean’s parents, for a maid’s uniform. Show His Grace to the servant stairs,” he paused and turned to William. “Go up to the second floor while His Lordship and I take the main stairs. If I don’t miss my guess she will attempt to steal Jolene away on the excuse either I or Kristina sent for the baby.”